Questions About Downloading Updates and Rigs Into The Kemper

  • Now that I know for sure I'm buying a Kemper, I have a few (probably many more) questions about different things I'm reading. The first is downloading updates and rigs to the Kemper. If I have this right, you have to load the downloads to your computer and then load it to a thumb drive, then use the thumb drive to load it to the Kemper. The reason I'm double checking this is, it seems odd that you wouldn't plug a USB direct from your computer to the Kemper. Maybe I'm missing something. I also read where Mr. Kemper said they are working on a librarian and editor. Wouldn't you need to run the computer directly into the Kemper to use an editor or librarian?

  • Now that I know for sure I'm buying a Kemper, I have a few (probably many more) questions about different things I'm reading. The first is downloading updates and rigs to the Kemper. If I have this right, you have to load the downloads to your computer and then load it to a thumb drive, then use the thumb drive to load it to the Kemper. The reason I'm double checking this is, it seems odd that you wouldn't plug a USB direct from your computer to the Kemper. Maybe I'm missing something. I also read where Mr. Kemper said they are working on a librarian and editor. Wouldn't you need to run the computer directly into the Kemper to use an editor or librarian?

    It's true that a librarian (which is planned) will have to have a direct connection to the KPA, but for the time being it's updates, rigs loading, backup and restiring via USB drive.

  • 1. Updates & Rigs
    Yes, you have to format your USB pen drive in the KPA first. This process will generate all necessary folders automatically. Then you have to copy the new rigs to the "Shared" folder on the pen drive. When you connect the pen drive to the KPA, it will show you a menu option "External" and you can import all the rigs from the pen drive. You can't select individual rigs from that folder. The KPA always imports all new rigs in this folder.
    After you download a firmware update, you unzip the file and you copy the file "kaos.bin" to the "OS Update" folder. As soon as you connect the pen drive to the KPA it will notify you that there's a firmware update and you can install it.

    2. Librarian
    I hope that we will get USB connectivity but it doesn't have to. It's possible to do that through bi-directional MIDI connection as well. We'll see what CK comes up with. :)

  • Thanks for the info and confirming I had it right for the most part. Why are there two USB's on the Kemper? I assume they are for future use.

  • for the time being user kerman has offered a tiny little tool for free which is helpful, i use it quite often to rename my new bought rigs
    (beginning all with sth like "45_And_XY").

    you have to connect the pc with MIDI out to the KPA.

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.