Posts by Edward Dixon

    I've never used pedals either. That doesn't mean somebody wouldn't find them useful. How would they possibly help my music? There already is a wattage meter on the Kemper, I just want it to read correctly. Would you want to drive a car with the speedometer reading 36 MPH off? Sure you could subtract/add that but wouldn't it make more sense to have it fixed?

    I have a kemper Stage, it has no watt meter, it's not an amplifier. You didn't answer my question. you compared apples to oranges and ignored the question. IMHO.... If you can't justify a request for a feature you don't really need it.

    As I said, it's just my personnel practice, not I standard I set for anyone else.

    I started with a working band in 1964 (58years ago. Yes, I'm very old). I had a 70lb Silvertone amp and a Silvertone bass . Volume, Bass, Treble, and reverb. Life was less complicated in those days. I can see where the amount of options available on the Kemper may seem overwhelming to some but if one "knows what to do" why not just do it? The only reason I can think of is that they may know "what" but not "how". My personnel solution is to work with the Kemper not some substitute .

    My personal practice is to not take any gear to a rehearsal or gig until I learn how to use it to get the sound I want quickly. I would be too embarrassed. I would be especially embarrassed if it were a recording situation and my lack of understanding was costing the band big bucks.

    This is not meant to offend anyone, it is my personal practice. FWIW, it's also advice that I have given every band that ever thought about recording in my studio. I simply tell them that they can have all the time they need but they will pay for every minute so they should be ready when they walk trough the door.

    I don't use the spdif on my kemper stage, I have no spdif devices to connect to. I use the Kemper main outs (XLR) into a Behringer X32 digital console into Reaper via usb (32in32out). In Reaper the Main L/R outputs are sent back to the X32 on 2 of the 8 available channels (which I have remapped to AUX1-2 on the mixer). The Windows OS is what limits the number of outs to 8 of the 32 available on the mixer.

    If I wanted to re-amp a track, I would route the signal from Reaper to an output on the mixer and send it back to the kemper (analog).

    This may or may not help but I know next to nothing about your gear, your computer or Operating system.......

    When you are in Reaper and double click on the hardware output channel above the Master fader what options are listed? This varies depending on what is connected to your computer.

    my double neck pedal steel has been in the case for 20 yrs, since I quit playin all country.
    it only has 10 pedals and 4 knee levers and I would sometimes wanna get lost LOL

    Funny thing is, I don't play country. My dad did and when he passed on, I inherited 3 pedal steels. I had no real interest and sold the best 2 and kept a D8 Fender1000. When Covid hit and I got bored I learned to play. I bought that Mullen G2 about a year ago this month.

    Line 6 UX1 audio interface is a USB device, soo.... Connect a usb cable between the interface and computer. Make sure you have the proper driver so that the device is recognized by the computer. If the computer recognizes it Reaper will too. Very basic stuff and more than enough Reaper tutorials on You Tube that explain it.

    Nobody needs spdif. Spdif is an acronym for Sony /Phillips Digital Inter-Face. In other words a propitiatory system designed by greedy companies to profit themselves. It costs more because that's the way they designed it.

    I have always recorded mono. I just recently connected my Kemper in Stereo and notice things sound wider. So, how does one know if a profile should be played in stereo vs mono?

    Do most of you record in stereo?

    If it sounds great go with it. No rules just opinions.

    MuddySludge nailed it. It's a matter of perspective.. What do you hear vs what do you want to hear? Do it both ways and compare the two. If you want to get proficient at recording you have to train your ears. Recording is not about playing, it's about listening to what was played.

    Personally, I have found that anything with stereo outputs sounds better (to me) recorded in stereo.

    This sounds like what I was experiencing the 1st time I tried to load rigs into performance slots. What I learned was that I needed to store the performance each time I loaded a rig into a slot. For example; If I tried to load a rig into slot 4 and did not store the performance loaded into slot 3, the one I was trying to load into 4 would overwrite 3.

    Hardly any video about Kemper Performance mode points this out but I caught a few hints about it and figured it out.

    In RM, copy a rig, paste it in slot 1. The option to Store in (slot#) will appear in RM. Don't try to load the next slot until you hit that store button.

    I am using a Kemper Stage, YMMV

    I haven't used my Trio for a few years so I don't know if my previous experience will help, and I have an original unpowered Kemper head, but I posted my setup here: Help needed for Kemper PowerHead and connecting to Trio+ - my ABY switch is a Radial BigShot from about 8 years ago, doesn't need power.

    Thanks for your input. I have ditched the ABY switch and now use the RM software to turn the output from the Kemper on or off as needed.

    Lots of variables involved...

    I use OBS but not for live streaming, yet. Getting the sound set up can be confusing at first. You say "The Kemper is connected using spdif...". What is it connected to?.

    How I do it....

    My Kemper Stage is connected to a Behringer X32 digital Console. It works as a digital interface to my computer. I am using 27 channels plus 2 channels digital signal coming from the computer for stereo input to the mixer. I send all audio to the mixer. Then, in OBS I assign an audio source and select which ever channels I need to use in OBS. I disable/mute all other audio sources OBS defaults to like Desktop Audio otherwise there will be audio coming from the desktop audio and the mixer into OBS.

    When using mp3s the sample and bit rate should match the sample and bit rate set in the digital interface and the mixer. If not the mp3s may sound like crap.