Posts by owenfi

    Hi, Thanks for the replies. I followed up with support who did get back to me - I use a somewhat oddball system of emails, so no worries regarding the delay.

    I was able to test it out on an entirely different power system (A Victron 5kVA inverter running off a DC supply, inside a Sprinter van away from most other electronics/interference) and the noise is still there.

    I'll attach the most recent clip I sent here in case folks are curious (recompressed to a pretty low quality to get under the 1MB limit) -- the video starts dark because the phone is pressed against the back of the cab to make sure it picks up the noise. There is a thud around 9 seconds when I pull it away and you can see the Kab has no signal cable, and is powered off (and get a sense of background noise). The rhythm of the clicking changes from time to time, I agree it sounds like a capacitor issue but perhaps there is some sort of filtering on the input pre-power-switch that is oscillating somehow?

    Hi All,

    I've reached out to support and not heard anything yet, so just wanted to describe an issue I'm facing and see if anyone else has run into it.

    I bought a Kemper Power Kabinet about a month ago, have used it in my studio a couple times. A couple weeks ago I was reading while sitting nearby and heard a noise, like a tick-tock roughly every second or so. At first I thought it was a laptop brick, but eventually I narrowed it down to the Kabinet (which was off, and had been for a day+). It goes away when I unplug or power it on and was audible from close by.

    A week or two later it has changed to a faster tick-tick-tick (still while plugged in and off) at about 190bpm, it's also audible from a few meters away even when my hvac is on (44dB white noise), This can't be normal, right?

    I suppose since I haven't heard anything I'll simply ask for a refund...

    Hello everyone,

    I've enjoyed reading a bunch of the posts here to learn about various features, profiles, etc.

    I jumped in somewhat the deep end: got a powered rack, an unpowered toaster that came with a remote, and recently bought a DI box and powered Kabinet.

    I'm interested in doing amp repair/profiling and seeing if I can simplify a setup enough to give something to my dad who is a much better player than I am, but not into gear/tech to the level I am.