Posts by shagoelizondo

    Backups can be exchanged between Stage and other PROFILER models in both directions. There are two items to look after:

    1. Monitor Output is stereo by design at the Stage while it is normally mono (only optionally stereo) at Head/Rack. Check what is your intend, different Output Sources take affect for mono and stereo.

    2. The PEDAL assignments are different. The Head has 2 sockets plus at a Remote. The Stage has 4 built in. These are not migrated automatically. You need to set these manually.

    Thanks for your reply! The output sources were the same with the stage and head, so I don't think that was the issue. I set the pedal assignments correctly, and I saw that my expression pedals were working correctly. The issue was that none of my effects (delays, reverbs, etc.) were transferred, nor were amp or cabinet settings. All of the stomp settings were blank with every performance.

    a USB stick backup contains all of the settings in the Profiler including rigs, presets, performances, and global settings (pedal assignments, output settings, MIDI settings etc). To successfully restore a backup you need to make sure that the target Profiler is running the same version of the operating system as the Profiler that the backup was created with.

    The situation you describe could have other causes. If performance names were restored so should have been the actual rigs in those performances including the effect and amp settings. If you hear an unprocessed sound the first thing to check is if the correct output source is assigned to the output that is used for monitoring. Master Stereo or Master Mono will give you the full signal chain.

    The issue may have been the operating system not being the same--I do remember the backline tech mentioning that the OS may not be up to date. Yeah, only one rig transferred to the head unit from the backup for some reason, but I remember checking to make sure that the master was set to stereo as it was in my stage unit.

    Hey all,

    I have a Kemper Stage that I’ve built performances with for a few of the artists I play for. I want to be able to build a fly rig with just my expression pedals, tuner, etc. and then just backline a Kemper head and remote that I can load my performances in via USB rather than having to bring my giant board with the Kemper Stage on it. For shows this weekend I brought my Stage and had backline bring a Kemper head and remote that I could experiment with. I did a backup on my stage with the USB and then restored the backup on the head unit. All of the names of performances and slots are there but none of the stomps, amps, cabinets or amp settings transferred. Any ideas about what the issue may be? Thanks for your help!

    Same issue here. Try to disable the "Kemper Kone" in OUT settings. It works for me but I lose the tone of my Kabinet. Hope it be solved soon.

    Actually yeah, this is what they suggested. It helped, but there are still a few slots in performances that have the spillover issues. I'm using the Kabinet on this upcoming tour for stage monitoring and I don't think it's acceptable to have to go without the Kone feature to remedy this issue. They said they were going to escalate my issue but I haven't received any further help, so I'm really disappointed. I'll follow up if the issue gets solved!

    Hey all,

    I posted here a few days ago about this issue that randomly started happening. Spillover was working just fine, and suddenly just stopped working for all of my performances, no matter how little effects I have in each slot. The rig spillover is enabled and my reverbs and delays are in the correct slots. There are a couple random performances where spillover for slots 4 & 5 still work, but there's nothing about those slots that are any different from any other slots in performances that the spillover doesn't work. I have a tour coming up in a few weeks and I'd reaaally like to get this issue resolved. Any more suggestions? Can I escalate this with Kemper to get direct support somehow? Thanks again for your help!

    Check if the Rigs are perhaps overloaded with effects, which require a lot of calculation power. For example a Rig with Spring Reverb, Natural Reverb plus Rhythm Delay and then using the Looper. Spillover has a lower prioritiy if resources to calculate the new sound are tight. Effects switched off count, too. So if you don't need an effect, set the effect module to empty and store.

    Unfortunately even with rigs that have minimal effects I still have this issue. The same performances were working just fine with spillover, this was just an issue to randomly started happening while I was using it. Thank you for your suggestion!

    Hey all!

    Newbie here. I'm programming a show with my Kemper Stage in performance mode and I'm trying to figure this issue out. So say I'm performing in Slot 1 and I have an overdrive assigned to the first effect pedal switch that I have stored as being disengaged, and then I switch on that overdrive, then engage Slot 2. When I go back to Slot 1, the overdrive is still engaged. How can I get it to go back to the stored default of not having that overdrive engaged when I move back to Slot 1? Thank you!

    So I'm using a Mission EP1-KP as a wah/volume with my Kemper Stage. I just started having this weird issue where the toe switch won't work to engage wah by pressing down with my foot. But if i move the pedal down a bit and reach in and press the toe switch with my finger it will engage the wah. I have the correct connections (Out 1 on EP1 to Pedal 4 with TRS, Out 2 on EP1 to Pedal 2 with TS cable), and the settings in "Pedals" appear to be correct (WahPedal>Vol is checked, Pedal 2 mode set as "Mono Switch" and switch tip is set as "A On/Off", and Pedal 4 mode is set to "Pedal Type 1" and function is "Wah Pedal"). I have a wah effect loaded in the first effect slot. It's not my cables, I've tested it with other cables. It looks like the calibrations are fine; when I'm on Pedals page 1 the wah and volume bars move together when moving the expression pedal. I noticed on the bottom of the screen though that "Volume Pedal" is greyed out, don't know if this is normal? It has been working as it should, and then randomly today it started doing this. The only thing that I did around the time this started happening was I unplugged and plugged back in the TS Out 2 cable while the Kemper was on. I'm dumbfounded, does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!