Posts by hoth

    Perhaps it was something different, but I remember I was getting something like this the other day on one of the rigs I downloaded from the exchange. When I picked a note it was as if there was a quick volume swell in the loop that would push the output to clipping and then go right back down. It felt like the rig was corrupted so I deleted it and then things were ok again.

    Oooh. These sets are both really tasty. I have a good idea of which amps you used but the exact amps matter little. The profiles are superb and that's what counts. The options for almost every type of sound are getting mind boggling. :thumbup:

    However, im now doing a Tweaked pack thats free to everyone thats purchased them already. - I dont have to do this, I just find that I'd rather offer a good service and be supportive as much as I can.


    I do think that part of the added value that you should get when you buy something is good service and maybe some "extras" here and there. So I think that you are on the right track. I very much enjoyed some of your tweaks to the 65amps and may end up using those, but I like to have all the raw amps also (so the new pack would not be instead of the raw but in addition). Thanks again for the great profiles! I spent a few hours last night on the Two Rock pushed profile and was in absolute blues heaven.

    I tried the Goldie profiles. They are pretty good but have the claustrophobic problem I remembered. Switched out to a Tills 03 cab and they are a lot closer to the sound I am thinking of. I still think there are better profiles of a Gibson amp possible.

    Please please someone profile these sweet Gibson Amps. We have one profile of a Lancer from HH that I love. Would be happy to even pay for some of these profiles. Thanks team.

    Now that it seems some of the past of Liquid Foot is behind them, it might be a good partnership for the KPA. The one off-putting thing about the LFJR+ is the price. It would be nice if someone could up with a solution for maybe half that price.

    Wow! There are some crazy cool amps in here! Mitch Malloy's amps are spot on and I'm totally digging the Maz-38 Clean...haven't even started in on the effects and I'm sold 8)


    Welcome to the ride! This is a pretty amazing tone box. Many men have already rejoiced.

    I think you did a great job on these. :thumbup:

    I actually really like the Excelsior. For a "cheap" pawn shop amp I think the profile of it comes across quite nice. Fender seems to be doing better these days in the distortion category.

    I went from a Yamaha HS80M to an Adam A8x. Although the Yamaha was great, it had a bass I could not tame and the highs weren't as crisp and detailed as the Adam. YMMV but I think both are great options, especially the Yamaha for the price.

    hey hoth, zappledan and others who dont agree with what ive been posting about. I do agree with you about and44s freedom to do whatever he likes in this, his profiles, his time, his business. But at the same time i feel that this is the kemper forum and profile exchange section not the side business forum and sales section. And i feel i should stand up for what i hope will help us all and belieive in. Im not posting to upset anyone but to try and improve it for all. I worry that this belief that you can buy the best rather than work on your own profiles will kill the rig and profile exchange.

    I really dont want to post anymore if it will just upset the majority so I will butt out and wish you all the best including and44. It is incredibly difficult to express disagreement here without what has obviously come across as amnosity. I was wanting the best for the most rather than the few. sorry.

    I am not upset at you at all. Sorry if it came across that away. I appreciate your opinion and your ability to articulate your opinion calmly. I totally understand where you're coming from too.

    This is a healthy discussion, but guys, don't get too crazy over this. There are only two profile packs that I know that are being charged for (the other being Armin's which I think are quite good and useful also). Think of it like impulse responses. There are plenty of free and plenty of paid options out there. You could stick with the free options your whole life and never have a problem. It may just take time for you sifting through lots of questionable IRs to find the gems and then time polishing your mix more. But if you want someone to hand pick the best IRs for you, and record IRs with the best care and equipment, and all of the other things that take lots of time, then you pay for that convenience. The IR community (and many others) exists just fine with free and paid options side by side.

    If Andy had posted one or two amps and charged for them, then maybe I would like 'meh', But he put up a universe of profiles. It would be great if we could get back to talking about the profiles themselves rather than charging vs. not charging.

    I have been a D*mble junkie for a long time trying to get my hands on anything that even claims that it can reproduce that sound. Let's leave to the side the point that most people don't really know what *that* sound even is or the fact that there are a number of different D* sounds. Well, I convinced myself that there just wasn't any profile on the KPA yet that gave me that sound 100%. So I went out and bought a boutique pedal that is highly regarded that claims to give that sound. After A/B'ing the pedal with the various profiles that are freely available, the KPA profiles won hands down - in clarity, in versatility and in complexity. I guess I fell for the little devil on my shoulder telling me that I had GAS, only to find out that the little angel was right. Ugh. When will I learn??!! The KPA is something special.