Some good tone in that video, and it shows that the aliasing is largely masked depending on what you play, but there is a style of playing that can reveal it... and this isn't it. To me, really milking the notes in a high wailing lead is where it can reveal itself, not during straight riffing.

    A few days ago, several people chimed in on this thread with some good ideas on having a switchable option that could direct more dsp to the amp profile—I hope Kemper took note of that.

    There isn't a whole lot more to say about the aliasing that hasn't already been said, but this thread will not fade. We are kind of just waiting for Kemper to fix it, since they don't seem to want to chime in directly as to what they are planning.

    I agree this style of playing tends to mask it, i notice it especially on higher single note leads with alot of gain , simple test use a high gain profile (gain like 75 percent) , turn on the tube screamer effect block in front of the amp block play the high e string at the 20th fret or 22nd , bend it , pick it again bend , pick it again bend , i hear it then ...

    yeah i was wondering about the wierd sounds thing myself , not sure exactly why anyone would get a kemper for wierd sounds
    I like Steve Lukather , Id rather hear that hes using it for some amp tones,
    Why would he get a hi end amp profiler for wierd sounds? Why not just buy an effects processor?

    i vote to use the calculation power for less aliasing, its more important to me than features to just have a solid core amp tone,
    I am surprised that the processor will be running out of headroom , for almost 2000 us dollars seems like a top of the line processor or even 2 could have been implemented. but if i had to choose i would choose less aliasing . The tone is awesome of the kemper and effects can be added after if we have to

    hopefully there wont be a kemper 2 with a faster processor anytime soon though , ID hate to make this one obsolete and have to buy the newer faster one already .

    the thing is its an issue that's not easily identified , I didn't hear it in the first couple weeks i had my kemper , i had to dig deep , and listening with headphones and then I wasn't sure if it was certain profiles or firmware or hardware etc.

    Its most noticeable to me on really high notes with alot of gain when i first pick it and bend a little its like a ghost growling noise some alias frequency.

    I think the kempers sound is awesome other than that wonder if this can be fixed by firmware , or if we will have to buy new hardware , imagine the kemper 2 faster processor etc , but yikes spend all that money again ..

    just liek axe fx then they come out with axe 2 , etc

    Im imagining in my head all the kemper untis a year or two from now , with only half the leds working , geez then in 3 or 4 see them on ebay with half the leds out

    man i hope they fix this , such a great unit soundwise , but a silly flaw and what if leds blow in say 2 years after we buy it? are we all gonna send it back or just live with it.

    yes it doesnt make sense unless they are using cheap ass led s which i would hope not for a 2000 unit!!!!

    should get at least the mid grade leds.

    Like i said before i have many old effects processors with lots of leds and none of them have ever gone bad ! not even one

    normally led s shouldnt

    Hey guys, thanks a lot!

    speight1031 - that was a Casino (Hollow body w/ P90s) into one of Andy's excellent 59 Bassman profiles from the AmpFactory

    JHERCULEES1 - that was a profile I made with my ADA MP1 earlier on. It was wiped out during a purge session, but after listening back, I may have to try to unearth it from one of my backups and share it here.

    Nice , I miss the old ada sounds, I hear skid row actually used the ada mp 1 on that album

    many amp manufacturers already have audio samples of their amps on their websites so that means they are using a specific mic and recording chain to show what they think is the best sound , they could just profile that setup .

    I agree! I think it would great if amp manufacturers offered profiles for sale of thier amps that way they make money and we get it straight from the source!