Posts by old crow

    It would be nice to have a "room" setting in the Cabinet section. That would do it. If you use the reverb for a room feel, there is a slight modulation effect. I'm using that right now in fact.

    That modulation drives me nuts and I've complained about it on Will Chen's headphones thread. I'm sure they'll address it soon, at least I hope they will.
    You're idea to put rev'b in the cabinet section is good too.
    I'm hoping they get on this as I'm sure there are as many , if not more, headphone users than there are amplified speaker users.
    It really is the ultimate headphone practice amp.

    We know who the guy is :rolleyes: what we don't know is: Is this Dumble 1978 profile legit. Was it done with an actual 1978 Dumble ? and if so, which model.

    Actually Spring Reverb is already emulated with the "MatchBox" mode of the Reverb. And it should be placed after the amp normally (that's where it is in all my amps that have it).

    I do agree it would be great to have as a stomp though so we can layer up reverbs.

    I'll try to clarify. With a real amp, you hear the amp in the room you're playing in and if you want to add spring rev'b for surf or whatever you turn up the reverb. I would like to be able to do that with my Kemper while using headphones .

    I guess if it's not in the beta version there's little hope of getting it in the next upgrade, but I'll request it anyhow.
    This is for headphone use , mostly.
    Can we pls. get a spring reverb in the stomp section.
    I don't feel I need to spell it out, but I will.
    The rooms, halls, sproings etc. are great for recording or live use but for headphone use they just don't sound right ( yet )
    I have a feeling this is soon to be corrected with the "spacey headphones" upgrade.
    Even so, spring reverb is not a room. duh. :rolleyes: it's an effect but in this case needs to be in the stomp section, so it can be added with or w/o rooms in the chain.

    Anybody else revisited this 1978 Dumble Clean and tried the new Green Scream with it ?
    Is it really a Dumble ? and no the G.S. isn't exactly a Zendrive but this new combination sounds pretty good to me....

    That's what I've been requesting but I'd like it to be in the stomp section. That way when using headphones we could use Will Chens
    100% wet mix in whatever size room we chose, then add spring reverb to it, just like playing in a room, with or w.o. spring rev'b.

    I'm starting to get some great effects, setting drive 4.5, ducking 1.8 and vol.-0.9,
    play a long sustainging note and hear the fizz tail in at the end :)
    This setting is just barely there but I'm sure w a fuzz I'll be able to get exactly what I want.

    hahahaha....not sure what it is ( something for yer arse ) :S but used with the ducking I really like what can be achieved. I'm thinking it'll be great w fuzz.

    There is an issue with the 100% wet mix, when the balance is less tham dimed ( which it has to be to create a room sound )
    There is always a faint phase shift or rotary sound. It's annoying and I'd like to know if any of you have figured a way to get rid of it while still maintaining the nice room sounds.

    If you're using headphones try the Will Chen idea of 100% wet rev'b signal. Find the thread to get all the setting details.
    I'm now doing that and it's way easier on the ears and sounds like the amp is a few feet away , in whatever size room you chose.
    The new firmware has supposedly adressed some of this with the "space in headphones" but I'm not sure what that means or how to use it.

    Tried this one w an old SG Std and it 's a match made in heaven.
    CK can you shre w us the settings on this profile.
    I'm guessing by the name and tone you used the el-34's but more info would be nice.