Posts by paults

    If I was still using 4-12 cabinets and a rack full of gear live (or a Kemper in Pedalboard form), I might be tempted to have more than one. But, the toaster is so portable (compared to some of my previous rigs with six, eight, ten, or twelve space rack), for the first time in many years, I don't feel the need for a separate recording rig.

    So, I'm glad I didn't decide to wait for the rack. If I had one of those, it would be packed up with the rest of the live gear, and I would still be using something else for recording.


    I don't bother to mic up my old Jubilee or even older Deluxe for recording anymore - with those profiles, and all the other available profiles available, getting a specific amp sound for a guitar part is SO easy :)

    Agreed - patch auditioning (or loading directly from the computer without storing) would be a good thing. My assumption is patch auditioning will come around the same time as "undo" capability - both of these functions would be related to temp or buffer memory programming.

    As far as Line 6 goes, they were around for awhile before it became so easy to audition their sounds, too. My old AX2 and Vetta sounded pretty good back then - but, That was partly because I had some tweaks in the Vetta created by some guy named Armin. I wonder whatever happened to him.... :)

    The tags can be edited in the Kemper - some are protected online.

    The other side of this thought - you may not WANT credit all the time:

    If I make a rig that makes my guitar sound like the last dying gasps of a junkie mosquito, using one person's amp profile, a second person's cab, and effects presets from a couple other people, and change EVERY parameter, and edit all musical possibilities out of the rig, any one or more of these people may not WANT any um.... credit for being associated with my psychedelic buzzsaw tone.

    Or, If someone simply makes a rig from one of your profiles and gives it a name that you consider offensive, do you want to appear to be the creator of that rig? I would rather they have they ability to claim that for themselves :)

    Come to think of it, All profile creator names are relatively innacurate, anyway, unless the names on them are whoever wrote the tech information used as a source for those radio amp books that Leo Fender used when he first built guitar amps... :)

    How are the pickups adjusted on your strat? Are they the stock pickups? If so, are they adjusted to Fender's suggested distances from the strings?

    Do you usually have to adjust the gain with the profiles you download? Up, or down?

    If my main guitar was a strat, I would use the Golub Crunch profile to set the distortion sense, and adjust it to sound like the YouTube clip. That would likely make most profiles sound pretty much like their sound clips with your guitar (if someone used a strat when they made the clip).

    Anyone have a similar suggestion for a clean profile?

    Depending on your guitars, you may not have to tweak at all. There are so many to choose from, it is easy to pick the ones you will use all the time.

    The Kemper responds to individual guitars like a a good amp does - so, If you hear a Kemper sound clip you like, you can get the same sound from the downloaded profile with little or no tweaking, as long as you use a similar guitar, with similar pickup strength to the guitar used to make the clip.

    If your pickups are a little hotter/quieter/darker/etc., you may need to tweak the amount of gain, and adjust the tone controls.

    If your pickups are a lot hotter or quieter than average, adjusting the input section of the Kemper is a way to globally adjust it to so your guitar will give you more similar results to the sounds of the clips, instead of adjusting them one at a time.

    I've done that kind of gig before, with my guitar and vocal coming out of a wedge in front of me. For that idea to be painless, you would want to know at least a couple of things before you get to the venue.

    Are the house monitors any good?

    How many monitor mixes are available? You would need your own separate mix to be able to hear yourself well enough, without being too loud for other people.

    I have a Valvulator in my pedalboard, too. I like the subtle effect it has on guitar tone. it isn't there to add "tubeyness" to the Kemper - I use it with my Marshall, too.

    Right there with you - I'm playing and recording. :)

    My 20 or so gig rigs are assigned to MIDI program changes.

    When recording, I'm using the 'favorites' view to make it look like there is a practical variety of "go to" sounds specifically for recording.

    If i switch to another view, the other rigs are there in the Kemper (as my realtime library of sounds), in case I feel the need for another flavor when recording music from a different genre/decade.

    For now, it is simpler for me to leave them in the Kemper than remove them, and then have to re-load them onto a USB stick to import them before auditioning sounds for a specific purpose.

    We can create stomp presets to do this fairly well with EQ.

    I appreciate that the Kemper doesn't make all my guitars sound the same, too. But, it would be great to be able to do less guitar switching live. That kind of feature, implemented better than ever before, could attract additional users to the Kemper. .

    I think It would be a nice move forward in technology if Kemper could add a "humbucker to single coil" stomp, and a "single coil to humbucker" stomp. Of course, neither one could change the type of wood or scale length, but they could expand the sonic palate of the Kemper in a good way.

    You can create stomp presets to do this to a great degree with EQ.

    It would be a nice move forward in technology if Kemper added a "humbucker to single coil" stomp, and a "single coil to humbucker" stomp. Of course, neither one could change the type of wood or scale length, but they could expand the sonic palate of the Kemper in a good way.