Posts by lightbox

    Cubase 7.5 has all the tools you need ... and more.
    I totally respect the need for expensive top-end filter plugins and outboard gear when someone is 100% dedicated to professional mixing and mastering. But since we're just normal mortals, you will be more than happy with what you get. I think even the professionals mentioned before could do with the tools provided by Cubase right out of the box. They're just always looking for that little extra. The only extra you should plan to invest in: A good video workshop to get you started and to show you the secrets, capabilities and best practices of Cubase. Don't try to manage it on your own, it's overwhelming. :)


    There have been online projects in history that were less successful.
    Little more than 80,000 page views already for a niche Wiki about a niche product is not to bad I think.
    But yes, I always have to shake my head and roll my eyes when I read something like "someone wiki that".
    This Wiki is for everyone. Everyone can register and edit/add content .... E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E.
    So please don't ask others to do the work you could have done already. ;)


    First question concerning the above, is it a good idea to upgrade cubase to the newest edition (7).

    The newest edition is Cubase 7.5 (on sale since yesterday).
    Upgrading from Cubase 5 Essential to the "real thing" is a good idea, of course. But more features, more versatility, more complexity ... to be honest, I think you need a pretty good computer incl. 2 high-res screens to really enjoy it. At least I couldn't do without 2 screens anymore. First screen is project (track) view and second screen is mixer view. no switching back and forth, I can always see everything that matters to me. Cubase is an amazing beast and it is best to get some video workshop to learn the basics and the advanced stuff. Otherwise you can easily get lost. :D

    If I would switch to another DAW? No, I've been using Cubase and its predecessor Pro-24 since almost 25 years. It's been a love-hate relationship at times, but nowadays I'm pretty happy with it.

    In my experience it has proven best to get products that offer more flexibility than you think you'll ever need. Nothing is worse than jumping ship every year as your demands grow. Get a solid piece of software that offers more than you need and you'll save money and time in the long run. That being said, I don't qualify to compare different products and/or companies, I'll leave that to others. Imho, Cubase is a solid and powerful foundation for everything you'll ever run into. :)

    There's a little misconception in your post, Stratosurfer. :)
    The profiles aren't modified. The actual amp (and cab) is there. The rigs are modified, that's a difference you need to understand. Many have the same problem. They do not distinguish between profiles and rigs.
    Of course I do understand that you would prefer to listen to demos of the actual rigs provided in the pack. I for one prefer to listen to inpiring demos of what a true artist can achieve with them. I don't want to play a 100% copy of Andy's idea of the amp and effects. I want to find my own sound based on Andy's awesome profiling work. Maybe it would have been a good idea to point out the difference in the pack's description.

    Talking about the demos of TAF profiles, I think it's important to know that for example Leroy Miller did some of them and he wrote a great post about his experience a while ago. You might want to read that to get an idea what he did. :)
    In my own words: He took the soul of the profiles and added his own spices. Not a bad thing, imho. But it's certainly helpful to know.

    Don't know exactly which demos he did and I don't know how much own spices the other guys added when they did demo tracks. But what I do know: It's there, enjoy the amp and make it yours. It perfectly works for me. :)


    It's been a while since I started this thread .. but now we're really getting close to christmas and I NEED to spend my money on a Van Weelden Twinkleland profile pack and a Marshall Silver Jubilee pack. So please, please, please, get them profiled already, my dear profiling heroes. :)

    Is there no mixer for your audio interface for direct routing? That way you can use whatever buffer you'd like with no latency.

    Sure there is, MixControl is pretty powerful once you get the idea of the custom mixes and the routing. Latency shouldn't be an issue at all.

    EDIT: Oops, I mixed up two threads, sorry. The OP seems to have a Fireface instead of the Focusrite Scarlett I assumed. But TotalMix should have similar functionality. Direct Monitoring for sure.

    Thanks a lot for ALL suggestions so far.
    What I already picked (out of interest) for my todo list is the Slash Bio and Peter Green Bio.
    Read one chapter of Robrecht's suggestion "Perfecting Sound Forever", but after learning everything about a $200.000 setup ... well, hmm :)

    I'm a big fan of Eric Clapton and I had a look at his autobiography's reviews. Looks like I will skip that book, has lots of bad comments.

    Keep the suggestions coming, I need more input for the next vacations. :D

    Finally it arrived, 3 weeks total.
    Sadly I can't put it inside my FCB today because I got 13 much anticipated CDs today that need to be heard immediately :D

    ... Also, some users seem to claim some services as if they had paid for them, or as if they had been promised within a certain timeline. But the truth is that Kemper don't owe us nothing, ...

    Although this wasn't exactly your point, I would like to point out, that I do NOT expect everything to be done "for free". If they decided to charge for the Librarian, I will have a look at its feature set and price tag and be prepared to pay, no problem. What I certainly expect from them (what they owe us and themselves) is to complete the environment around the Profiler with the required tools.

    It's great to get tools like the Librarian for free at some point in the future. But if I had a choice I would prefer to pay and get it NOW. Time is money and I'm completely sick of the lack of a decent rig management solution. I paid hundreds of Euros for profiles/rigs, I would easily pay another tenners for a tool to get my stuff in order.

    'nuff said, heart frequency getting lower already, where's my guitar? :D

    ... I migrated to Samplitude because I prefer the "sound" (entirely subjective, but I'd say it has a more open and neutral character) ...

    Don't get me wrong, I'm just joking but this is the second weirdest statement ever, right after "the earth is a flat disc". :thumbup:
    On a more serious side ... if you prefer the filters for some reason, ok. But the software flat in flat out can't make a difference in sound. ;)