Posts by Stratosurfer

    Hi everyone!
    Last nite I made some profiles off my new Fly Rig 5. I wanna share my experience here. I had a couple of attends to profile my JVM 410C, some other amps at a friends studio and was not 100% happy with the results. But for the profiling session I had last night, I think I just nailed it! What I did was doing the profiling process as follows; I selected a rig which almost had the same amount of gain as the sound I'd profile. Then had the profiling process once. Made the refining for like 20 secs. Without saving the profile, I pressed the "new profile" button again and did the profiling again. On the user manual it says that it's better to choose a rig similar to the sound you're gonna profile. So by making the profile process twice, it's like Kemper thinks that you're profiling the amp starting off by choosing the closest sounding rig possible (which you have by the first profiling process). And as a result, they sounded almost identical. Another experience I had was doing the refining process on the first take of profiling and not doing the refining process on the second. For some sounds (I took a DI sound of the Plexi channel with the Sans Amp channel off. So no speaker sim there.) if I do the refining on the second profiling process, it does go on a different way sonically. So I do the 3rd profiling process and without needing to do the refinement, it's identical to the original sound again.

    When I first got the Kemper, I thought profiling was only about pressing a couple of buttons. But now I realise that you have to have a certain amount of experience on that. After my first attempts of profiling, I even thought that maybe there was something wrong with my Kemper. Because everyone kept saying that even the most picky producers can't hear the difference and I could clearly hear the difference between my profiles and the original amps i've profiled. Now I'm feeling better about my Kemper.

    So anyone else who things the process i mentioned above works better?

    To make a test, i selected the first rig on the BM and placed it on an empty slot on the PM. The EQ was completely different when i A/B'd the two modes. Then i pressed the stack button for 2 secs to copy everything from the rig in the BM. Pasted it on the stack of the PM rig. Boom! They sound the same. Maybe i've dialed in an EQ setting and locked it so every rig i take into the PM is effected by that EQ setting. I donT know. All I know is now I have to do that copy/paste thing for all the rigs i have on the PM. :S

    @viabcroce yes i checked that by choosing a different rig and taking that into the PM without dialing any EQ or else.
    @Ingolf the sense settings are all set to 0.0 dB on both modes.

    Hi all!

    I created a rig using 5 different Diesel amps on the perform mode. The very same rig sounds much brighter when i switch to perform mode. I checked the Main Output EQ and Monitor Output EQ on the Output settings. Both are flat. It's like someone dialed in a different (much brighter) global EQ when on perform mode. Am i missing something or is it a kind of bug happening after upgrading to

    Well i have the powerhead for 7 months and i tried to use a 1x12 guitar cab yesterday for the first time. I have an FBT FRFR cab and the 1x12 sounded way better to may ears. But if you use a guitar cab, you'll notice that some amps will sound almost the same as the cab is a huge part of the guitar sound. I decided to purchase two 1x12 guitar cabs and will run them in stereo. I'm considering to sell the FBT now. Maybe the mic'ed sound is not my cup of tea. With the guitar cab it sounds like a real amp in the room. But with the FBT it's not. I dont want to spend money if i can turn the FBT to a guitar cab so i will try the recommendation above.

    Hi all!

    I've made a reset on my kemper. After that, i've loaded the rigs and stuff. When i was in the perform mode, i was making presets for a gig. I dont remember clearly but i think when i was doing something on the fcb, an error occured. Since i'm on an iPad now i cant upload the picture that i've taken but i can write what exactly was on the screen.

    expr=DAPT PC= A014AA10
    swys="Public Beta:" (CRC=A0BBBF 48)

    Take a picture and contact support. Press EXIT to reboot.

    After i pressed exit and reboot, everything was fine again. Does anyone know what that is? It did not happen since then but if it happens during a gig, it will become a nightmare on stage.

    Hi everyone!
    Yesterday at the rehearsal, i plugged my powerhead into a Marshall 4X12 and the sound i had was far away from being satisfying. After a couple of songs, i turned the cabinet off and boom! It all came back. As far as i remember, you dont have to turn the cam sim off to get a good sound from a speaker. Doesnt it send a signal to the cab that's without the cab sim and to the other outputs with the sim? what if i use a 4X12 on stage and give the FOH guy two xlr's? He's gonna get that thin sound coz i've turned the cab sim off. Is there something wrong? Am i missing something?

    Thanx for the answers in advance.

    Hi everyone!
    Today I just turned my Kemper on and tried to import some rigs i've downloaded from the rig exchange. I plugged in the USB loaded with the new rigs in the shared folder as i used to (like hundreds of times before). When i clicked the external button, the import soft button was inactive in the menu. I could only export. Then i upgraded the OS to 2.3.3 Public Beta, but same thing again. I can not import rigs in my Kemper. Any help will be appreciated.

    I just purchased the profiles. Wow! They sound so great that i can play for hours without changing any parameter. Uh... maybe a little reverb will be fine :)
    Thanks Tyler. Awesome!

    Is it possible for us to know which profile s made out of which combinations?

    Ok folks. Thanks to everyone of you letting me see things clearer now. As i said; i got rid of the paranoia that my kemper doesn't profile properly but my home profiling session made me relax so much.

    Don unfortunately i just couldn't make the pm settings right for some reason at the time. Sorry for not being able to reply. Thank you for your assistance.

    Well i think if the profiles are modified, they are just good guitar sounds but not the actual amp that's been profiled. If this is the case, the real amp is just a starting point for the achieved sound. This may not make sense to some who expect to have "that actual amp" rather than an amp that never exists in the real world. I think both is good enough but Kemper's unique selling proposition is "you have that actual amp in your collection". A huge difference. Personally i'd like to have what the real amp has and make alterations if i need to...

    Thanks viabcroce! Clean and distorted sens make sense! :) maybe that info should be included in the read me documents of the profiles along with the guitar info. As i mentioned the anderton's guys' profiles sounded almost the same when i played. Maybe their kpa had the same sens settings...

    When i decided to purchase a commercial profile i listen to the demo. If i like it, i buy it. After installing it to my kpa, if there's a difference i get dissapointed. Simple as that :)

    Been through the same situation with the axe fx and s-gear and some other software amps. I think this is the awful truth about the guitar sound unlike the synth sounds for keyboard players. :)

    Michael thanx for your comments and answers. Maybe it's a different subject but i experience the same thing you mentioned. Profiles dont sound the same when i play. But what gets me confusing is; i hear a commercial profile's demo through the same speaker or headphone as i hear it from the kpa. So theoritacally they both sould sound almost the same. I say almost coz obviously i know that the player's fingers and guitar will change the sound to some degree. The profiles that the anderton's guys had made did not sound different to me when i play with my guitar. But it's not the case most of the time. The amp factory profiles are great. But i got dissapointed when i purchased the latest evil robot profile coz it definately did not sound as it was in the demo. So there's something weird here. As i told this is off topic here. Maybe we should discuss this on it's own subject :)

    Hi all!
    While on perform mode i accidentally pressed a little too long on C stomp pedal on my fcb wU4K and it suddenly started to function as a reverb on/off pedal. it used to be a booster on/off pedal. And just from the first time i ran the fcb, i could not happen to make the tap tempo pedal work.
    Any recommendations?

    Thanks in advence.