Posts by prickstein


    coming from a studio engineer background, i'd love to see a hi and lo pass filter on the eq to filter out unwanted frequencies.
    Also the choice of bell or shelf curves on the hi and lo frequencies would make it truly a studio worthy equaliser.
    My apologies if those features are already there and I have overlooked them. I am still fairly new to the Kemper.



    Hi all, I've been messing with the input levels of my kemper because I have to run a Treble Booster pedal in front of it for my main gig.
    Now I want to do some recording with a different guitar and have forgotten what the default settings are.
    Any clues?

    Hi Novacaine. I've only been with the band 6 months. I haven't played the Marina Bay Sands Theatre with them. New years Eve at Clarke Quay was my second gig with them. That was huge! I didn't get to enjoy it as much as Beerfest because I was still a little unsure of how to play the set.
    Love playing Singapore :)

    Sure am, but I am running a Greg Fryer Treble Booster in front like Brian does.
    I've tried the Treble Booster pedal sim in the Kemper but it doesn't clean up as you turn down the volume knob like an analog one does.
    I'm going to get my hands on a Brian May spec'ed AC30 and profile it with the Fryer Treble Booster in front of it, see how that turns out.
    I also have a Digitech Red Special pedal that I have profiled and use those profiles occasionally.
    I have a 3 week break as of last night so will refine my sounds a bit more before the next run of shows.
    Programming patches using the intelligent harmonizer is on the priority list there.

    Yes, Freddie is a very hard shoe to fill. Our Freddie, John Blunt, is the best Freddie impersonator I've seen. He doesn't sound exactly like him but people tend to listen with their eyes and he looks and moves so much like him, it's scary. If you ask him, he'll tell you he is an actor, not a singer.
    I'll post more videos as I make them if you guys are interested. It's a fine line between sharing and spamming so I won't go overboard.
    I'm going to send this video to the Australian Kemper distributor if they want to use it for any promotional purposes. I've already bought one so it's not in an attempt to get free stuff, just promote a product I am blown away with. Same goes to the Kemper HQ if you're listening.

    Yep, I bought the Toaster version and take it as carry on, carry on. (sorry, bad Queen joke)
    I got the Kemper bag. It fits the Kemper, my wireless transmitter, receiver and power supply, Treble Booster and a Chorus pedal in case everything turns to crap and I have to use a supplied amp.
    Check in my guitar and a case for pedalboard/accessories and I'm good to go. My foot controller is a Rocktron All Access I bought off Nine Inch Nails when they sold their gear on eBay a few years ago.

    Thanks guys, it was a blast. We did the next night there also.
    I'm relatively new to the band. My second show with them was in Singapore on New Years Eve which was HUGE. I got to enjoy this one a bit more because I am a lot more comfortable playing the set than last time.
    I am using one of the Amp Factory AC30 normal channel profiles and I have a Greg Fryer Treble Booster in front of it like Brian May does.
    It's the blue thing on my strap, it needs to be before the wireless transmitter to work properly.
    I also profiled my Digitech Red Special pedal before selling it. It has some great sounds in there that I use for specialty things.
    My Kemper unit has a fault on the profiling input but the local distributor is going to replace the unit as soon as they can, then I am going to get my hands on and profile an AC30 spec'ed for Brian, cranked to 10 like his.
    Yes I am wearing a wig :)

    Thanks, I just got the Kemper and am making a gameplan for mapping out my sounds. I turned off the stack section and could hear it just clipping a little so I backed it off at the clean sense. Will play with the distortion sense for a bit now.
    The Treble Booster needs to be the absolute first thing in the chain or it doesn't do the chimey clean thing when you turn down the volume on the guitar.

    Hi guys,

    I'm running a Fryer Treble Booster in front of the Kemper trying to get the Brian May vibe (I've tried the built in treble booster but it doesn't clean up and sound like Brian when you wind back the volume knob on the guitar).
    Because it throws an extra 31db at the front end, the red input light is constantly on...but it sounds so good.
    I'm worried that if I adjust the clean and dist sens so that it doesn't go in the red, I won't hit the amp section hard like it's intended use.
    There isn't any input distortion that I can hear but just wanted to know that I'm not doing anything that will damage the unit.
    I only use the Treble Booster while playing in the Queen tribute band I play in.



    Hi all, I just got a Kemper a few days ago and am loving it.
    I am trying to profile the sounds out of my Digitech Red Special pedal before it goes on eBay but I'm not having any joy.
    The sound when monitoring it sounds all distorted in a bad way, like the return input on the Kemper is overloading. I've tried turning down the level on the pedal but it doesn't help.
    I've hooked it up like the manual says to hook up a computer based simulator, seeing as it has a direct and amp mode.
    I've tried plugging the output straight into another source while it is receiving it's signal from the kemper in profile mode and the sound is fine so it seems to be the return input causing the issue.
    If I don't have any luck, I will profile it through an amp but would rather try and capture the direct mode of the pedal.
    Any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong?
    Thank you,

    Hi all, just got my Kemper on Friday and already gigged with it on Saturday night in my Queen tribute show. Love it.
    I want to ask some questions on the private forum but it says I have to be a registered user. How do I go about that?

    Hi all,

    I'm counting down the days til the powered head is available in Australia so I can use it touring in the Queen tribute show I play in.

    I'm wondering if it's possible to turn the time based effects off for the signal going to the power amp and just send fx to the other outputs?
    That way I could run 2 full range speakers as L/R and my usual cab in the centre for a Wet/Dry/Wet stage set up.

    Have Kemper built in a way to do this?

    Also, does anybody have any experience taking the head on plane flights as a carry on? No hassles?
    I travel all over the place with the show and plan on using the Kemper head as my fly rig.

