Posts by ragingben

    Blackheart Little Giant, Hughes and Kettner Tubemeister 36, AMT Stonehead, and Traynor YCV50 all remain unused except for profiling since the KPA came my way. They are all great, but they were compromises and with the KPA I can play whatever whenever!

    I think I've found a bug, thought it was me going crazy but I've seen it a few times now.

    Using firmware 2.7 I have the first performance setup with four profiles. Occasionally the profile from the fourth slot is duplicated,stomps and all, to the first slot, but the name remains the same. The profile name changes, but the profile has changed and the the slot name remains the same. Every time it's been that way from power up, but I defiently have saved the performance before the last power down because it's my gigging one and I use it a lot without tweaking and saving etc for many reversals and gigs with no problem. Ive only noticed it on this one performance though and when I use a different performance for home use it never seems to happen.

    Anyone else seen this?

    Hi, and welcome! I agree, the powerhead was beyond a doubt the best guitar related purchase I've ever made.

    Ive seen a small bug a few times in firmware 2.7, performance mode. When arranging performances sometimes the names get screwed up on the screen where you move them up and down. Say I have performances A B C, when moving B to the top sometimes A C c will also appear as B until I exit that screen and go back, then everything is fine.

    I think you'll find the learning curve very easy once you get used to how things work on the KPA! It took me maybe an hour to really feel at home on it, but then it's easy. Hope you enjoy your new Kemper and welcome to a great forum.

    Agreed a swell parameter could be cool.

    On your first point though, when you press output you can set different monitor and main volumes? Do you mean separate poweramp and monitor volumes? I guess that could be cool, but I haven't been in many gigging situations that would require it personally.

    While the tuner is more than adequate it would be amazing to have a display that told you +/- cents as a number somewhere, and maybe even a polyphonic mode... You could even use the fx leds one for each string and use colour to tell you how in tune you are for each string, green for in tune, amber for nearly and red for miles out.

    I had seem that thread, just glad mine isn't doing that!

    Response from Kemper is these issues are within tolerance, and that I can return to dealer for an exchange. I'm going to keep my unit as if these issues are within tolerance then there is no guarantee any replacement is going to be any better (could be worse) and at least these are issues I can live with, everything else is spot on. I guess with a 3 year warranty at least hopefully any other negative effects should become clear well within that time. I'll be keeping an eye on it though! Funnily enough, the LED 'problem' goes away when they are turned up to 8 or so on intensity... perhaps the individual current limiting resistors for the collar LEDS have a very loose tollerance and at lower voltages the effect is exaggerated? Anyway, I'm reasonably happy with that response!

    Now, for a day of profiling tomorrow!

    Thanks, good answer. That's basically what I've done now I know these aren't normal. Pretty gutted either way, if it has to go back it does, but could be better in the long run. Overall the quality and finish of the unit is excellent but I have to be honest I am a little gutted that this one got through the net as I wanted to be gigging it in the next few weeks.

    Thanks for the replies. I've emailed support so hopefully it will get fixed. It is minor and I really don't want to have to send her off for repair so soon after receiving, but ho hum!

    Incidently, I noticed that the LED collars have a bit of variation in the LED's - is this normal? I'm aware of the historic problems people have had with them, so this does bug me a bit, but again, it is something I could live with without a problem if it is normal on KPA's - i.e within tolerance. This is all stuff I usually wouldn't bother about but due to the massive amount of money and time it took to save up for the KPA I don't want one with abnormalities!

    On the attached image look at the LED on the bass collar, second lit one from the top clockwise. It's a lot duller, and there are others to. Probably a little worse on the unit than this photo captures.

    Hey guys, quick question... I have a new.kemper power head, and it comes with a screen cover right? There's the plastic on the screen which is obvious, but the hard bit underneath... Is that a removable cover too? Mine rattles around from side to side! Don't want to prise it out if it's the permanent screen cover though if you know what I mean!

    Here's a video:

    I'm thinking it's the actual cover, just a bit on the loose side. Anyone else experience this?

    Wow - thanks everyone for the welcomes... what a great forum full of nice people!

    @db9091 I had o laugh at that - I managed to put a few more hours in last night and by the end of it I could have sworn a little rainbow was coming out the speaker!

    It's funny - I load up a profile, don't instantly love it, but after a few minutes of playing end up loving it!

    This may be a silly question - but every now and then I see profiles marked as bass. Will the lower frequencies harm a guitar cab if I play through them without noticing they are for bass?