Posts by nightlight

    Since it only happens on certain profiles, I think it's safe to assume it's profile related. Might need to tweak it a bit.

    I get turned off some profiles because there seemed to be so much extraneous noise within the profiles. Figured it was something to do with heavy palm muting technique that wasn't suited to my playing style, rather than improper profiling procedure.

    That is a nice topic.

    We have no plans to change the distortion pedals toward that, instead we are planning to have Stomp A and B set optionally in parallel to the rest of the signal chain, so the bass can have a DI like signal with e.g. EQ and compressor, while the amp and the other effects are still available in the remaining parallel path.

    This feature will be dedicated for bass players. how do you like it?

    I like it a lot! :thumbup:

    If I understand it correctly, it doesn't affect any of the volume settings accessible through menus and knobs but rather has its own, moveable position. After pressing the Rig button, you can select where in the signal chain you want the volume pedal to go: "Pre Stomps", "Post Stomps" (but Pre Amp), "Pre Effects" or "Post Effects".

    However, I don't think that will affect the unprocessed "Git" signal which is, after all, unprocessed (no AD/DA conversion).

    Awesome info, thanks for the clarification. +1

    I was pleasantly horrified to see that FXPansion had released a new version of its BFD drum suite and I am mighty tempted to spring for one. I'm currently using Toontrack Superior Drummer 2.0 and while it's an excellent piece of software, I have the feeling that everything is "tweaked" to fit specific kinds of mixes, whereas I think BFD has a more unpolished sound that lends itself better to the kind of music I'm writing and recording. And the cymbals sound miles better, judging by the clips I listened to.

    Anyone have any hands on experience with BFD3? Would I be better off waiting for Superior 3.0? Is there some other software I should evaluate instead?

    Well, I'm not sure I'd agree on this. While I'd like the clips anyway, I've heard too many guitar players saying that after downloading a patch or profile they couldn't get the sound as in the clip they had been inspired by.
    Too many differences in touch, technique, guitars, PUs, sound systems...


    Exactly. One man's booze is another's poison.

    I like the way this thread is going, especially since we touched upon the subject of clean/distorted sense.

    I find it impossible to level match my clean and distorted tones using the sense controls alone. I'll have to change the rig volume to do that, otherwise my clip indicator at the input will light up like crazy.

    I am using passive pickups, but the crazy high gain types made by Wilde Bill Lawrence (RIP you poor dear man). And it's impossible to match levels just using clean sense because while I understand the red LED indicator is only a warning and that we should trust our ears, I also realise that if its lit up like a cheery street in Amsterdam, I'm probably going to get $)((#$ed ^^

    All said and done, I did some tweaks to my guitar last night and she was singing like a canary. Love my KPA!

    This is a cool idea. I'm just wondering how effective it is with the Kemper's 1000 rig limit. For example, I downloaded all of the free TAF profiles yesterday, there are about 231. Add them to the rigs on the Kemper and I'm already pushing 800. I figure that some sort of clean up is necessary, but then again, I think the useability of a lot of the patches depends on the context you're using them in.

    For example, I was fooling around with TAF's Go Jimi Go profile yesterday and suddenly realised that it absolutely nails that swooshy groovey tone used in Lenny Kravitz's "Fly Away". Spent the next fifteen minutes just jamming on those chords. Same thing for a lot of the weirder sounding stuff, it just depends what you're looking for.

    That said, r.u.sirius' profiles are awesome, the guy's amazing at profiling, I really dig the stuff he puts out.

    Hell-o guys,
    I wanted to get myself a pair of expression pedals (or maybe just one) for my Kemper, feel like I'm losing out on a lot of potential with the FX by not having one.

    Unfortunately, ebaying completely sucks out here, shipping and customs costs are just too high. So I was trolling some local stores for potential options.

    Narrowed down on a few, wondering whether they would all serve the purpose and whether some would be more up to the job than the others. Small poll for that, if anyone could chip in with reasons for their recommendations or pros and cons of some of the options, that would be great!

    I want to order one of these and I am on the list (I think) , but I love stereo with my monitors. Sometimes i plug my left output from the kemper to the front of an old GDEC3 30 practice amp on super clean setting. It has to line outs for my monitors. And I have the option to have the guitar sound come out the gdec as well as the monitors, or just the line outs . Just for various Flavors :D

    So I think I will plug one CLR ON RIGHT, and one Adam7x on left ... See what happens.. Maybe even get more daring and have two Adams on left . And really take it to the limit, by going thru my Gdec and add a fender gdec in the mix as well.. :thumbup:

    Just make sure you turn up all the volume on everything and then strike a power chord. Back to the Future! 8o