Posts by ShainSTH

    I haven't released anything yet. I am making a commercial pack but I want to see if anyone wanted a couple profiles on the free exchange as a demo. There is around 8 rhythm, 2 lead, and 6 clean profiles in the pack. I could release a rhythm and a clean profile for everyone to try out. What do you say?

    This is a demo riff using one of the rhythm profiles on all guitars

    I was messing around with the Mesa Triple Rectifier again and I got some new tones that I wanted to release. The pack will have around 8 or so rhythm tones, 2 lead, and about 6 clean. I went for a minimalist setup this time around. Relying on the tone from the mics without post-eq. I am considering releasing a couple profiles in the free exchange as a demo. What do you think?

    This is a demo riff using one of the rhythm profiles on all guitars

    This is exactly how I feel. If you can't hear the sound from the mics, then your going have issues. I also isolate my cabs when I record and profile. It just makes things so much easier when you can crank the volume and still hear a clean signal from the mics and not the room itself.

    I use a control room and a main room, so I can isolate the guitar cabs, which increases your chances of getting good profiles exponentially in my opinion. If you can't hear what you're doing, it makes things much harder.

    I guess I'll post my set-up. I frequently try to change things up to get a wider range of sounds since I have limited supplies. For the most part, I use a Mesa 2x12 cab and will mic it with whatever mic(s) I feel capture the tone better. I really like the sounds from the Shure SM57 and the Sennheiser e609. I run the mic(s) into a Focusrite pre-amp. I wouldn't say I am a "pro" but I do have experience in micing amps. I have re-amped and recorded tones for people other than myself. I am also currently in college for music production, so I am also trying to expand my knowledge.
    I'm not sure if you also wanted detail on the profiling process. This is the process I take when profiling an amp. I spend a lot of time trying to get the tone I want in the room. Then when I'm happy with the tone, I spend most of the time varying mic selection and placement. I do the initial profile test signals. I spend a few minutes with refining. After I've exhausted the refining feature, I spend time adjusting the amp section of the profiles. Mostly the definition, this is the most crucial parameter IMO. I then go for power sag(around 4 seems standard). The clarity and tube parameters can really make or kill the profiles if you don't listen to what it really does. After everything is done, I spend about an hour twisting the knobs to name and fill out the info. Again, this is just my way of approaching the profiling section. I'd be curious to hear how my process differs from everyone else.

    No, I haven't posted anything in the free exchange section. I do have profiles that I've made and have not posted up for sale. I guess I could shoot some over there. I mostly try to sell the profiles to help pay for my college tuition.

    Have you posted any profiles on the free exchange?

    Thank you to everyone who has bought this bundle or any of the profile packs honestly. Can someone make some audio clips of maybe your favorite sounds? I am at the moment very busy with school and work, so I don't have the time to do a bunch of audio clips and re-amps. I also would like to hear how the profiles are treating everyone other than myself. I and i'm sure everyone else like to hear how these profiles sound for people other than myself. Thank you to the people who have supplied audio clips before, I hope you can do the same with these.

    Thank you all

    So I had a new opportunity to profile a few amps. Diezel, EVH, Orange, and a Blackstar. Since I only way a few hours with them I didn't have much time to profile everything I wanted. So naturally I went for some distorted rhythm tones. I really didn't want to ask for much but I need the money. So I just included them into a bundle I was already gonna post up on here. I have the Lucky 13 profile pack, the Mesa Triple Rectifier pack, and these 4 exclusive profiles.
    Diezel VH4 - Channel 4
    EVH 5150 III - Channel 3
    Orange Rockerverb mkII - Dirty Channel
    Blackstar Series One 200 - OD 2

    All profiles were mic'd with a Shure SM57 and run through my Mesa Roadster 2x12. Here is a guitar cover I did of Shinedown - Devour with the Diezel VH4 profile.

    This is a sort of in-between actions moment. I am going to make some bass profiles as well as more amp profiles with variety.
    Let me know what you think and if you have suggestions for future pack tones or styles to mark.


    Starting today at 5PM EST. The Lucky 13 dual blend profile pack and the Mesa Triple Rectifier profile pack will be bundled and sold for 25% off. This is a limited time bundle!!! The pack will be taken out the store at the same time tomorrow.