Posts by loosigoosi

    io proverei a scrivere direttamente alla Kemper, hai visto mai che ti mandano un'altra unità e si prendono la vecchia... è già successo :)

    Già, sarebbe bello, ma di mezzo c'è il negozio da cui lo sto affittando. Devono fare loro e non so con che sollecitudine.

    Cmq questo fa pensare eccome, più che altro se non hai il rimpiazzo immediato rimani bloccato, anche per mesi, al contrario dei sistemi tradizionali, in cui sostituisci l'elemento guasto con uno equivalente facilmente reperibile.

    Ciao a tutti,

    stasera nel momento in cui inserisco la spina del Kemper salta il salvavita. Evidentemente un corto... Ripristino il salvavita, e succede di nuovo.
    Da quel momento il KPA non si accende più. Controllo tutti i cavi, nulla.

    Smontando il kemper dal Rack noto che ci sono un paio di viti che ballano all'interno, una si vede dalle fessure, l'altra no, ma balla e si sente.
    Vuoi vedere che una di quelle è finita nel posto sbagliato al momento sbagliato?

    Per fortuna è in garanzia, ma è anche a noleggio/riscatto, per cui le cose si somplicano, e chissà quando lo rivedrò.

    Quindi, per carità diddìo, agitate il vostro Kemper e se sentite rumori all'interno PORTATELO in ASSISTENZA oppure (se fuori garanzia) aprite lo chassis e fate uscire qualunque parte metallica.

    Apparecchio meraviglioso, ma due viti libere (di risulta???) all'interno mi fanno un po' pensare. Maledizione.

    This is a cool challenge...

    Almost sure: bi-amp. There is a little white amp in back of the main combo.

    So I tried to make something of similar with the KPA in parallel mode, but this feature is too much limited. Using a POD would be less painful :(


    Not so accurate, but I think this is the way to obtain this tone.
    The rig is set in Parallel mode, a fuzz + eq is bypassing the amp, the amp is a Deville cranked and delayed 1/16 with near zero feedback and near totally wet.
    Guitar is a Telecaster Thinline '72 Mex (humbuckers, bridge position) with a capo in F# as Bombino use. Bombino plays usually a strat clone (in this video an original Fender) with humbucker at bridge (in this video single coil).

    Sorry for poor execution...

    The picking dynamics are really important, I've used a pick, but you need to fingerpick as Bombino does. You can ear at the end of the mp3 the effect of a variation in the picking strenght.
    Unfortunately the KPA doesn't allow to panpot the fuzz on right and deville on left.
    I'm pretty sure I could replicate this tone on my POD 500X, using biamp and setting up properly the panning and the delays.

    I think the tap tempo button works the way of mouse buttons: release is the impulse, not the depressing.
    Today I've got eventually the tempo sync releasing the button on the beats. Never had success before, the tempo was always off sync operating the normal way (depressing on beat).

    Can someone confirm this?

    Loosigoosi, I hear a clear change in tone through Monitor out as well.

    Uh, so strange... For me, using a guitar cab on Monitor, there is no audible difference... Need more tests. The crackling during rotation of the knob is a little confusing.
    I confirm better live sound at 10.

    (I suppose you are testing the Monitor Output with a cab connected, CAB ON and Monitor Cab OFF... If not so, there may be some different behavior, a spectrometer graph may be useful, but the settings must be those I've listed)

    Update: OK, just verified, monitor out is affected. Thanks.

    but when you dial in the tone that goes to a real cab for FRFR the whole cab colour is missing.

    Nope. If you set Pure Cab to 10 and Monitor Cab Off under Output the tone you get from a guitar cab can be very close to the tone you get from the FRFR connected to the Main Output after some tweaking on the Monitor EQ (by ear). If the cab is not the same as the profiled cab some coloration still be there, but you can get a very good result. Saving the Output parameters as a dedicated preset, you can then quickly set the KPA to play on real cab whith a good level of fidelity, and all rigs will sound properly and much close to the respective original tone.

    I've tested such thing: obviously not perfect, but very good results.

    If you turn up Pure Cabinet to 10 you get on Main Out -> FRFR a tone that is strictly similar to the Monitor Out -> Guitar Cab
    Monitor Out tone doesn't change.

    Pure Cabinet = 10
    Main Output -> FRFR system (i.e. studio monitors)
    Monitor Output -> Guitar Cab
    -- now you can tweak the Monitor EQ till the Cab output becomes the closest to the FRFR ouput. --

    This is also very useful for creating tones using Monitor -> Guit Cab while keeping a good tone in Main Out also, for recording or PA.
    If you create a tone listening to the guitar cab only, the resulting tone in the Main Out could be not so close, i.e. too much presence.

    Sorry for my poor English :)

    Looking at videos, It seems that he doesn't use distorsion pedals. Very little amp full gain and cranked, very small cab and off-axis mic, I think not very close to the cone. Mindblowing!

    Frank Zappa's way of life: a guitar, a Pignose, full gain and volume.

    Amp: Fender Deville / Marshall JTM45 (beano)
    Axe: Fender Mustang / Stratocaster

    I exclude this sound came from the Strat, but who says! The Mustang is visible somewhere in the video, and was listed in a review of a concert in Milan.
    I'll give a try tomorrow, using a Tele Thinline '72 (two humbuckers), a Deville profile (if exists) with the guitar tone all way down and the treble/presence all way up + Reverb and short delay.

    Io ho avuto quasi tutti i pod, era più breve il percorso di consapevolezza (quel momento in cui sei sicuro che quel che stai facendo non ha implicazioni nascoste), e alcune funzioni di uso frequente prevedevano meno passaggi, per esempio spostare uno stomp. Trovo il KPA un po' teutonico :)


    All remotely controlled parameters should have the MIDI assignable per rig. This is the basic way for most fx units on the market.
    I think KPA doesn't allow this because it is globally controllable via MIDI, so there is possible interference. Could help a dual MIDI operations mode.


    Un bel diagramma a blocchi dettagliato, nel manuale, non guasterebbe...

    Quel che fa fatica a entrare in testa ai Kempergneri è che 'sto coso lo usa gente che suona, non necessariamente degli hackers.
    Io trovo che rispetto a un sacco di altri device il KPA lo devi conoscere TUTTO a menadito, oppure fai molto facilmente dei pasticci da cui non torni indietro facilmente, vedi per esempio la funzione lock e le sue implicazioni ;)