Posts by loosigoosi

    Can't understand why there is no tag, or flag, or any other stupid trick to determine if a rig is coming from FACTORY. If Rig Manager could add (rather substitute) text to a comment within a multiple rigs selection, we at least could add a personal flag in the comments field.

    In fact, browsing rigs without any sort of grouping (categories, folders, etc.) is a very difficult task. KPA is a great machine, but some basic concept on usability (software side) must be reviewed from start.


    Ma a cosa serve il ducking?

    Serve a regolare la quantità di effetto in base all'intensità del suono originale. Può essere negativo o positivo, se negativo ottieni un effetto che è più pronunciato su suoni forti, meno pronunciato su suoni deboli. Viceversa per valori positivi. Se per esempio imposti un ducking positivo su un chorus che sta prima di un distorsore, ottieni che abbassando il volume della chitarra i suoni sono puliti e con chorus, alzandolo sono distorti e senza chorus. Grossolanamente parlando ;)
    Impostando il ducking positivo sul delay, ottieni che mentre suoni un assolo il delay è leggero finché non c'è pausa, e durante una pausa si sente l'eco più evidente delle ultime note.


    Quoted from "loosigoosi"

    "Artist Mode" appears in the System panels after long-pressing [RIG] button. What is this?

    a new page in the system menu is added (page 6), showing delay and reverb mix controls, pedal ranges and the corrisponding midi cc (#68 #70)
    This is the only change I've noticed so far

    that's it. The " 1/: " artifact would be just a bug. ":" stands for "10" but the character next to 9 in the KPA charmap is ":" The tenth page is page ":".


    Roba da programmatori (o ex programmatori).

    Nice thing would be the possibility to set the range of any controller in CTL1 and CTL2. If you plug an expr pedal and you set the control type as "Monitor Volume" you can use it in a sort of booster, but your pedal must have a pot to set the range (mine have, but not really useful, too narrow in range).
    Much more useful than applied to delay/reverb mix, I think. Rev and Dly must have a global MIX *compensation* setting in performance mode, with a range of +/- x/10 So if you have a rig with a delay mix of 30% you can add x tenth of the 70% left, or subtract x tenth of the current 30%.
    For example: on a rig's delay mix value of 30%, -10 sets the mix to 0% +2 sets the mix to 44%, +10 sets the mix to 100%



    (sorry for poor English...)

    How about:

    - Undo/Redo
    - Circular movement of the cursor in the virtual keyboard! (inserting "AZA" is a too much time wasting task)
    - Circular selection of CAPS (same concept, It would be so much simple if we can switch A to a rotating one step in any direction)
    - Undo fo an auto-load event. It's frequent issue the unwanted switch to another rig or amp or effect, etc. when the current is under editing.
    - A choice between a blank name and the previous name when saving.

    And a little suggestion: if you can profile an Amp, you can also refine a profile's Monitor Output + real cab (miced with same mic used in profiling the amp to sound nearly the same as the miced cab connected to Monitor Output). My English is poor, so I write same thing in Italian: "Microfonando il cab collegato al Monitor Out con lo stesso microfono usato per il profiling dell'amp, si potrebbe profilare le differenze tra l'output live e quello del Master Out, per adeguare l'output di monitoraggio in modo da ottenere un suono live molto vicino a quello dell'amp profilato.
    Same technology you currently use in profiling can be used IMHO for high fidelity live rendering of an amp profile.

    In other words, you can compare the Master profile's tone versus the miced cab (better an FRFR cab) connected to the Monitor out and refine the Monitor Out to be quite nearly the same as the Master). A sort of self-profiling :)




    I'm trying to update the Kemper' firmware, from 2.2.1 to 2.3beta but during "initialising update" the status froze and a bounch of second after the "KEMPER PROFILER" words appear and no other bit of life is coming out of the box.

    Some idea?


    [edit] Now it's OK, only difference: disconnected the midi cable (fcb1010) from IN socket, and disconnected the guitar cable's jack from INPUT socket.
