Posts by cybermgk

    I just looked it up. I purchased and ordered it from Guitar Center online on February 1, 2016. That would have been 8 months ago, but still it seems like it would have been up to date.

    Oh well, all's well that ends well. Thanks again for everyone's help.


    Lets just say that

    1. Musicians Friend, owned by same folks as GC has sold old stock and refurbished as new on multiple occasions.
    2. MF has often been a collation point for GC's unsold stock.
    3. Guitar Center has been having MAJOR financial issues over the last year or 2.

    So, them selling old stock or returned as new, is not so farfetched.

    But as mentioned, your all upgraded now, and as long as you have a warranty, bing bango your cookin.

    What's in the upper right, that isn't on the picture. On a power rack, that is where the powered output is a la

    [Blocked Image:,2018by3200/quality,85/KemperProfilerPowerRackRear-3d073eb0458fe0496cc39c06b1b280d2.jpg]or
    [Blocked Image:]

    From the Deeper View and Reference manual

    Amp Volume
    This parameter can be used to balance volume gaps between different Profiles. The Rig "Crunch", which is default in all Slots in Performance Mode, could be used as a volume reference.

    The amp front Volume is for overall loudness.

    I just upgraded my studio computer to Windows 10. Everything else works fine with it. The Kemper itself works fine with it, but the Rig Manager doesn't. The Kemper was purchased a few months ago, but I have the latest updates. I re-uploaded them all again last night.

    I'm confused. How does the Kemper itself work fine with your computer?

    No, the Kemper should be on. :)

    I didn't see you mention this anywhere, but what OS version of the Kemper are you running? The latest Rig Manager requires Kemper OS version 4 or higher. Maybe you're on an older version of the KPA firmware and that's the reason RM does not recognize that the Kemper is connected. Can you confirm?

    Great point.

    K THAT was an excellent explaination, ty. So, from above one would extrapolate, that the best profile as far as tone, response, reaction for use with :

    1. Linear amp/Guitar Cab, using multiple CAB IRs - Direct Amp Profile
    2. FOH/Linear amp+linear CAB/Monitors - Studio Profile
    3. Guitar amp/Guitar Cab - Direct Preamp Profile
    4. 1 and 2, or 2 and 3 at the same time - Merged Profile

    lol, glad I'm not the only one.

    Vox already has this…P1NMm5b0-jZLEnxoC_RDw_wcB


    Throw out what you know about modeling amps! The 30-watt Vox Analog Valve combo delivers real tube grit and dynamic response from twin 12AX7s in the preamp and power amp stages. Choose from eight all-analog preamp circuits based on classic amps from Vox and others for tones that range from clean chime to high-gain crunch; then blend in analog-styled delay, chorus, or reverb to taste. A Power Level control lets you dial back wattage on the fly to capture the perfect stage of tube breakup for each song. A sealed cab with a custom 10" Vox speaker provides powerful bass, making the Vox AV30 not just a travel-friendly practice companion, but also a good-sounding, vintage-looking combo for the stage and studio.

    Highlighted has REALLY been an added blessing. Just Profiled my Peavey 6505 Mini Head. It's a hissy beast on Lead channel. Profile is nice and quiet.

    Meeting someone later today and selling that 6505 MH/ I actually have a better version of it now on my KPA.