Posts by Wheresthedug

    I got on the FM9 waitlist because I saw that it looked like I could run my piezo pickup in a separate signal chain and run that and my magnetic pickups through the same unit in separate paths. I have been doing this with two different solutions and would like being able to do it all in one floor board units.

    That would be a game changer for me too. At the moment I run my Parker Fly and PRS P22 with one output going to the front of my Toaster for the magnetic pickups and another output going to the return input as the Return of an FX Loop in Stomp A. I then use Parallel Path to send the Piezo through one FX (usually Reverb) in Stomp B. However, this is extremely limited as normally I would want a Compressor, EQ and Rev on the Piezo signal (an acoustic profile would be even better but that isn’t technically possible in the KPA). I have been seriously thinking about adding an Aura or an LR Baggs etc to get round this. However, just being able to use more than 2 Stomps on the Parallel Path and/or blend it back into the main FX chain post stack would let me use the KPA as a stand alone solution.

    Ultimately the “profile the profiler to free up blocks” is just a workaround that will freeze up components of your sound, you might want to change later.

    Much easier to let us use the page buttons to navigate through more blocks than the 4 visible pre or post ones.

    Don’t shoot the messenger but I think Burkhard and others at Kemper have already said pretty clearly that they have no intention of doing this as the logical layout of the physical unit would no longer make sense with regards to the actual signal path which they believe would be confusing to users. Personally, I have no interest in more than 8 blocks but I would like the ability to select which blocks are Pre Stack and which are Post Stack. I would also like the ability to route the Parallel Path signal through more than just 2 Stomps. However, I am resigned to the fact that it isn’t going to happen.

    Thanks guys! Seems like my CLR is still enough for me :) Need to get the dan thing converted from US to UK power now...

    It almost certainly has a power transformer with multiple taps for different voltages. A decent tech should be able to switch the wire to the correct tap in a few minutes. If you are lucky they might even do it while you wait. I bought a US powered THD BiValve and took it to Strung Out Guitars in Glasgow. At the time they had an amp tech who came into the shop on Thursdays. I popped in on a day I knew he was going to be there and he swapped it to UK 240v while I played a few nice guitars ?

    Basically, I have folders of profiles in Rig Manager for each guitar and when I’m editing one of those profiles, I don’t want to have to go to another folder to look for a preset, drag it onto the block and then return to that preset in that folder.

    Right Click on the Presets Folder and select open in new window. You can then have your rigs open in the main RM window and a second window with the Presets so you can reach for a preset without navigating away from the Rigs folder.

    And another:

    Is there a way to turn blocks on and off without double clicking? I kinda feel like a click should be what selects a block, but a radio button in the corner of each block would be more effective to turn them on or off. Similar to the Lock button, but more obvious. Maybe I’m just clumsy, but with selecting and on/off both being some variation of the click, I’m always turning something on/off by accident when all I wanted to do was select it… or vice versa.

    You can use the numbers keys on the keyboard. Blocks are number 1 - 8 if you press 5 it will select the X block, 7 will select the Delay block etc. The radio button to turn on/off is basically on the left hand side of the edit section. If you use numbers to select a block you could use the mouse to toggle on /off the effect in the left edit area. Or you can just double key the number which seems easier to me.

    I’m sure there’s a technical reason why parametric is ‘better,’

    Parametric and Graphic are totally different things. Think of parametric as being a surgical scalpel which graphic is a rusty old blunt cross cur saw. You wouldn’t use the saw to carry out heart surgery but you wouldn’t use the scalpel to frame your house.

    I suppose this might make more sense now that the Stage exists. In the past (pre Stage) the general idea seems to have been that people who want simplicity and seamless integration would use the Remote while those with more complex setups would be using a fully functional MIDI controller as the nerve center of their rig. In this case the Kemper wouldn't need to generate midi info as the controller was already doing it. I have a few midi controllers which can do anything I need but I ended up putting them in the cupboard and using the Remote for simplicity and bidirectional communication.

    However, with the advent of the Stage the Remote is effectively built in so it is more likely people will now use the Stage as the main controller for bigger setups. In this case expanding midi functionality makes sense.

    The only obstacle I can see is that Kemper clearly want to keep the Stage and classic profilers running on a single OS. I'm not sure if they will want to change the philosophy of the classic profiles. Only time will tell.

    I think it might do that already. The left channel is your dry and the right channel is the wet. At least I think it works that way, so your mono (left channel) should not be affected but I have not test DT with mono only.

    The Kemper doesn’t automatically use Left as Mono. If you use just the Left Out for a stereo source you will loose half the delays,reveb, modulation etc as well. If you change the output to Mono it will sum both sides to the same output so get all the delays etc but will also get both sides of the DT.

    It isn’t quite as obvious as you might think but it works no problem at all.

    First right click on the Cabinet Icon. On the context menu select Lock All but Cabinet. Now just change to any new rig you want or browse through rigs until you find a cabinet you like. This will only load the Cabinet from each rig. Once you are happy with the cabinet you can save the rig or drag the cabinet to the preset area to make it a preset for future use. Or you can do both if you really want.

    I don’t understand the request. It is possible to use cabinets from other rigs including IRs with the KPa itself or in Rig Manager already. What is missing that you need?

    The ability to create merged profiles is a totally different issue. A merged profile is not just a combination of amp and cabinet but a specific process to extract the cabinet from a studio profile by comparing it against the Direct Amp Profile of the exact same Rig. Both the Direct and Studio profile need to be made at the same time to ensure they are identical if the Merge process is going to work.

    Thanks. Got the wah going through input 1. Now, I have to figure out how to have the wah off when the pedal is up, and on when down. It's the opposite now.

    As you have the Mission pedal you have two options

    1 - use a second cable and allocate the toe switch to turning the wah on/off just like a regular analog wah

    2 - in the actual Wah settings in the Rig you are editing (not global system settings) change the operation from bypass@toe to bypass@heel

    I know we all feel at home with different things and what is intuitive to one person can be baffling to another but for me the Kemper UI is a work of genius. It is so simple and intuitive it just feels natural to me. I seriously considered Helix and AxeFx at the time but one of the things that swung it for me to go Kemper was the simple elegant user interface with no annoying touch screens etc. I am sure you will get the hang of the Kemper workflow in no time at all.

    I get that time is nice to have, but with that tiny screen I'd rather figure out another solution than dedicate some space to a tiny readout that I couldn't see and would just cramp out what I want and can barely see anyways.

    the key is that the clock is an option that users can turn on or off depending on their personal needs. As far as I know the Stage has the same screen as the Remote and the clock function works great on the remote. I always have it on with my Powerhead/Remote rig.

    beautiful work ???