Posts by 4sqbbs

    Just an FYI for people that have the pops on startup/shutdown. I've been looking around for a bit of a solution and found the D'addario PW-AGRAP-2 jacks that have a latching mute switch. I'm planning on putting one of these on the cable going from monitor out to the camplifier, as at the moment I've been avoiding pops by plugging in the monitor out after start up/ unplugging before shutdown but I don't want to do this forever as it's unnecessary wear on the monitor output.

    I've only ordered one yesterday so I'll report back when it's here but it seems like the perfect solution until we get a software fix to mute outputs on startup/shutdown

    As far as I'm aware, when you use the Kabinet, in FRFR mode the original cab setting for the profile is used, but when set to imprint mode the imprint overrides the profile output cab but only on the monitor output, the other outputs will remain the same as the profiles cab setting

    Welcome to the forum as well!

    I received my kabinet today and have had a bit of a play through it. I have to be honest and say I'm not as blown away as I expected to be, but maybe that was me putting unreal expectations on it. It's not that it doesn't sound good, or it doesn't have the amp in the room thing, I think maybe it's that with my FRFR (Laney LFR112), I was running a fairly strong pure cab setting, and then the LFR itself has a knob to turn down the high frequencies, which I guess when combined seems to get you pretty close to AITR the turns out (who'd have thought pure cab worked!...).

    Maybe talking about expecting to be blown away might be a bit over the top but I am enjoying it, and I'll definitely be keeping it. I'd love the per profile imprint saving ability to be sooner than later though, as it seems like every profile sounds better with a different imprint right now. There does still seem to be some spiky highs at times like you would sometimes get on FRFR, however I feel like this is just each speakers different response since some don't exhibit this.

    I do feel like I'm pretty much going to have to go all the way back through the profiles I've purchased to find ones more suited to AITR style tones, but I suppose in the current climate I could have worse issues.

    The one issue I do have though, which may or may not be 'an issue' is that upon start up there's several pops, not massively loud but very audible. I never used to have this happen before when using my FRFR, but then I was using the main out with that and now obviously I am using the monitor out. From what I've seen via google it seems to be pretty common? and to be honest since it goes away after the kemper has fully started up I'm not that concerned.

    Overall I'd say it's worth getting if you miss the AITR thing or even if you're just after a great FRFR, since it you'd then have options of imprint or FRFR.

    A few others have mentioned this on the other threads regarding pops on start up, but it would be great if we could have all outputs muted (or at least the option), on start up and shutdown. Maybe ckemper ?

    I've ended up going for the camplifier studio after seeing a few people get one and say it's perfectly loud enough for home use. Camplifier has now arrived and was incredibly easy to install but I haven't managed to try it yet as the kabinet hasn't yet arrived. I was hoping for it to arrive this past week but due to the easter weekend it won't come now until Wednesday so I guess I just have to be patient! I'm happy I went for the camplifier though as it'll just be the head on the kabinet now so a little cleaner setup.

    I've had a little play around on the imprints on my Laney LFR112 which I know won't be exactly the same as using the kabinet, but they sound great! Much more 'organic', or at least achieves the AITR thing. I almost forgot I wasn't playing through a 'real' tube amp. Very excited now to try out the kabinet.

    I personally disagree. But we know how subjective tone is. I far more enjoy the sound with cab disabled off and running the profiles cab through “FR” mode. To me the imprint sounds blanketed and takes a lot of the gain away. The profile cab through the Kone has more bite to me. I play it with Kone enabled and adjust the sweetening to taste with cab disabled turned off.

    I may be reading your post wrong so apologies if I am but, if you're disabling the cab section on the kemper then you aren't using FR mode on the kone as the kone still requires the cab section to be on. You need to select the kone, and have the monitor cab off unticked in the output setting for the FR setting. If you run the kemper with cab section turned off you're in effect just using a profile of an amp head running through the kone as if it were it's own speaker like a standard cab, as the kone is only FR when the DSP compensates the speaker to make it FR.

    yes its a copyright Problem, but sometimes i find it funny to guess what

    amp in real was profiled :/

    I figured as much, but I still feel like noting for example a JTM45 as a Marsh45 rather than a cryptic one would be easier surely

    Just press the amp button and you have the answer

    This works in rig manager but not on the sellers website though

    Monitor cab off should be ticked, kone should be ticked and the cab in output stack should be on. It is a little confusing, but essentially it's like this;

    - Kone being ticked tells the kemper that you're using the kone so it will adjust the output for imprints or FRFR depnding on monitor cab setting (I'm sure you knew this already)

    - Monitor cab off tells the kemper that on the monitor out you want it to ignore the IR in the output stack and instead use the kone imprints. The other outputs of the kemper will still have the IR on them and not the imprints.

    - Turning off the output stack would only really be for if you're using an external IR like a two notes or running in to a standard guitar cab.

    If you turn off the output stack then the kemper will only send the head (no imprint/IR etc) direct to the output, as you're essentially saying you don't want any output section on your profile.

    Maybe the easiest way to remember it is just don't touch the output section when using the kone.

    Hope that helps

    Good afternoon Mr Kemper,

    Only if you are able to, can you answer this? given the current global crisis, in your humble opinion should I wait for a powered Kabinet or invest in an amp for the unpowered KPA which I can't buy anyway?

    I'm chomping at the bit to try your new kabinet but it seems they are probably at least a couple of months away (in England anyway).

    I am happy using my Headrush FR but feel I'm not getting the full capacity of my KPA.

    I was making this decision recently and decided to go down the poweramp + kabinet route. Like you I wanted to try it out ASAP and I figured that since the only mention of the powered kabinet has really been, 'we'll make one in the future', it could be months or years before it comes out!

    I also considered that the price difference between the powered and unpowered kemper in the UK was ~£350, for the same price or less I could get a poweramp, of which I ended up going for the camplifier studio since I don't gig and doesn't take up any space, but you could still get a much higher powered version and potentially still save some £'s.

    I ended up getting my kabinet from Peach guitars too in the UK. I think their next delivery is due early this week so hopefully I should have mine by the end of the week, but I imagine if they're selling so quickly (I was told that I got the last preorder on this shipment), then they'll want to get more in soon. Andertons seems to have them listed as being delivered relatively soon too.

    I've ordered my camplifier studio this morning, hopefully should be ordering my Kabinet within the month.

    I did have a reply from Tilman on a question I asked via the website though regarding the wattage output vs the ohm rating as usually the wattage seems to go up as the ohms go down, yet the camplifier studio has the 4 ohm wattage as between the 8 and 16 ohm wattage;


    Most traditional solid state amplifiers (running transistors or Mosfets as power devices) will put out about double the power when the impedance value halves (if they are specified to handle such low impedance).

    The Camplifier Studio however does not operate the same way. It runs from a single class D chip.

    At low impedance's, internal currents get higher much faster, temperatures will rise faster and the chip will go into self protection mode (because of over current , or over temperature) faster than with higher impedance's.

    That is why it is rated lower in output power @ 4 ohms than 8 ohs.

    I thought the answer was quite interesting so I thought I'd share if anyone else was curious

    think the powered cab wont be anytime soon with the way the world is now. Im in a similar situation, i only need power for home use and saw the camplifier studio yesterday (25w) which is cheaper than the SD, i could maybe get that, the Kone and buy a cheap empty cab for about £70. The kone and kabinet prices were bumped up a few days ago

    The SD 170 is around the £350 mark so you would in effect have the powered kemper, but maybe overkill powerwise

    Yeah I've looked at the camplifiers too, but the only thing that puts me off is the wattage. From what I understand the powered kpa is 600w to give 'headroom' and a more natural feel, so, providing that is the case, would the 25w, even for home use, be enough?

    Of course all that could be a load of rubbish in which case the camplifier would probably be a very good choice

    I'm completely undecided on what to do at the moment with the Kabinet. I know I definitely want one, but I had the unpowered head so decisions are between an external power amp + Kab or wait for the powered.

    The thing that is giving me pause is that the price difference for the unpowered head vs powered in the UK is around £350, so potentially the powered Kab will be about £350 more than the current unpowered?

    Now I'll only be using the Kab at home, so I could get something like the hotone loudster, or ever the SD Powerstage 170 along with the Kab and save a few £'s if the powered Kab is going to end up being as expensive as it would seem.

    Anyone got any thoughts on this?

    new speaker imprint stuff looks very cool, I hope it works on a standard FRFR as well. Surely if the new speaker has to be compensated to make it FRFR, if you were using an FRFR the kpa could have a setting to compensate that to mimic the response of this new speaker allowing you to use these imprints on any FRFR?

    On Facebook, there's an intriguing extra bit of info: "featuring a selection of industry standard guitar speaker imprints".

    Built-in IRs? But the Kemper already does cabinet simulation... :/

    Sounds much more akin to what the powercab does with speaker 'profiles' rather than IR's. I'm guessing it's aiming to capture the amp in the room type sound rather than the mic'd cab we have at the moment

    I've reassigned my reverb to the reverb slot since this update, but I'm currently having an issue where when I turn my kemper off, when I next turn it on (even though the reverb slot is locked and on) the reverb isn't 'on', it will only trigger if I hold down the button and change the reverb type and change it back again.

    I haven't tried it in any other slots, but the light on the reverb slot is on but the effect itself seems to be off, or at least not doing anything

    Camplifier are meant to be pretty good poweramps made specifically for non-powered kpa heads so I'd look there.

    As for power, totally depends on what you plan on using it for. Camplifier do a 25w poweramp which would be totally fine for use at home, but anything above that it would quickly start clipping. You could just go for one around the 120 watt mark if that's the rating for the cab you're looking at, and then just turn it up as and when you need too