Posts by Yoda Guitar

    Jetzt habe ich den Kemper wieder Zuhause stehen und angeschlossen und oh wunder, die Effekte funktionieren wieder.

    Was nun??

    Überlege bitte was sich geändert haben könnte.

    Mach mal den Rigmanager aus?

    SPDIF angeschlossen ?

    Ist was im Outputmenue anders?

    Bitte immer einen USB Stick dabei.
    Dann Backup machen und wenn ein solcher fall auftritt, wieder ein Backup.

    Das hilft dem support.

    @Kemper Support #1
    Schöne (wenn ich das anmerken darf ) wäre es wenn man per Tastendruck die aktuelle Einstellung sowie die Systemparameter als JSON file auf den USB Stick schreiben könnte. Dann könnte man diese Auswerten, ohne das man gleich ein Backup mit allen gekauften Profilen durch die Gegend schickt.

    Versuch mal Danilo Vicari zu kontaktieren.

    Ich denke er benutzt das Profil eines MG10

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    Doesen’t the dsp chip the Kemper uses have just another couple of years till it won’t be in production, I thought I read that some where, will this put a deadline for new development?, would it be difficult to port the existing code to a new architecture? I have know idea, a bit of a Luddite here.

    No worry's the DSP is a NXP some of the DSP56xx familix (formerly named Motorola 56K Chip )
    The processor for Display and I/O managment is also from NXP i think its a LPC2468 (ARM A7 architectur)

    So the 56K Series is the most used Instructionset in the world.

    The 56K series is very big one of the most used DSP processors, used in telecomunication, automotive and many more.

    I guess there will be always a followup processor with the same or extended instruction set.
    The UI is programed in C++ so it's portable and the DSP is programmed in Assembler for high performance.

    The Neural Quad Cortex uses two Analogdevice Sharc DSP (ADSP 589 and ADSP-573 both have DSP and ARM A5 core inside)…ture_Single-Chip_Computer

    Maybe this would be helpfull für Support as for Customers.

    Having a function to Dump all current settings/paramter (Input/Output/System/ Rig / Effects etc)
    in a human readable format (or better Json Format) to a timestamped file on USB Drive.

    This can be helpfull for support and it can be helpfull for customers to log and compare the settings.

    Backup and restore is not Human readable, and you can't make a selective restore or selective backup.

    The most of your list is the simple answer yes,yes,yes and depends on.

    But I think you should first read the manual and look into some video lessons.
    please read page 143 ff of the manual

    By the way alway think about the Morph function see page 132.

    Some examples only rever and delay

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    you will find also a lot of tips and tricks at Tone Junkie's YT channel.

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    1. Does the Kemper have an octaver that supports both single octave up/down, but also both at the same time (1 up, one 1, like the EHX Pitch Fork)? If so, do these octaver/whammy effects support wet/dry blending? We're using a lot of pitched sounds and this is absolutely crucial.


    2. Does the Kemper support BPM-based delay times internally, without relying on an external MIDI signal?


    3. While using performance mode with one rig/patch per part, can I have the different parts in a performance have different BPMs? We have songs that change BPM during various sections.


    4. Is there anything akin to a synth or ring modulator in the Kemper? Not a dealbreaker, but would be very helpful.
    What kind you mean chorus / rotary speaker / wha or phaser what you want .. yep.

    5. If I can get all this working, is it really as easy as bringing a few USB sticks with me on tour to get my sound? Assuming there's a Kemper and a Remote present, obviously.

    Yep but please take care that you have not only the backup of your kemper on the USB, but also have the right OS Version on USB that you work with.

    6. If not, any tips on getting the Kemper to perform as a decent pedal platform with the Helix as my main unit? I'm using the main front input in order to keep it simple, if that helps.

    Kemper should always be the Main, but you can use the Helix as FX.

    For that use the Helix in an FX Loop.
    See page 224

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    Ja das soll so sein.
    Die Lautstärken werden nicht gespeichert.

    Stell dir vor du stehst beim Soundcheck auf der Bühne und willst eine anders Preset, und deinem FOH Soundman fliegen die Boxen um die Ohren weil dein neues preset nicht die -12 dB grenze einhält.

    Bei mir ist grundsätzlich der Main auf 0dB und der Schalter -12dB an. Und der Main link zum Lautstärke Regler ist immer aus.

    Das gilt für Live und Studio.
    Unterschiede habe ich nur in der Nutzung (routing) der SPDIF / Direct out und Monitor Ausgänge.

    For Powerhead I'm using Version 6.

    If you don't need the fancy new stuff, the Version 6 is more stable in my opinion.

    But I'm not fiddeling around with sounds a lot.

    I load a profile make some tweakings and add some standard effects ... very old shool.

    I bought my Kemper as multifunctional replacement for heavy tube amps, thats my focus.

    You can download this here…8/Older-Software-Versions.

    Do not lock yourself in a small chamber and create sounds that nobody will hear.

    Join a band and play rock n roll.

    What is Neural Capture?

    Other companies already digitally capture the sound of an analog rig, some very cleverly for the time they were introduced. But with the advances in machine learning technology and in embedded processing power, we thought we could greatly contribute to this field. Our biomimetic approach relies on a unique combination of advanced machine learning techniques and neuroscience; we invented a way to train an AI to perceive sound in the same way the human ear does. Quad Cortex’s neural networks are hearing your rig in the same way that you do, giving it the most comprehensive and detailed detection system, and the resulting digitized rigs are the most accurate and powerful on the market.

    Will be interesting to compare side by side to the Kemper when it's released. I'm not so keen on a floor model and prefer to keep everything behind me, but I love the idea that it could possibly achieve closer results. Their plugins are already seen as top of the class, so I'm excited to see what this does.

    I would not be surprised if you need an internet connection to "profile".

    The built-in ARM Cortex A5 processors and the SHARC floating point cores are, in any case, IMHO unable to provide the computing power required for an AI.

    Therefore, it will probably work more like Siri or Alexa.

    Hey little box I want to sound like John Petrucci ...

    Answer: I cannot do this. I have no stable internet connection. Go and practice your stuff ...

    They using big marketing buzzwords "the most powerful floor modeler on the planet" ,

    and i guess they need money because you can pre order for $200 and release date is end of September.

    My gosch .. they using buzzwords like maschine learning and neuronal cortex.

    Big american style marketing maschine is runing for a small Finland company.

    By the way they all are cooking with Water ...

    in this case they using normal Analog Device Dual-core SHARC+ and ARM Cortex-A5

    one SC589 and a SC573. Don't know why the use 2 different SHARC's?

    Maybe one for the FFT one for FIR/IR .

    Anyway for me this is more a competitor to the Fractal products.

    Versuch es doch mal mit Messen ....

    Ich benutzt ein Messmikrofon und das Program REW (Room EQ Wizard) .
    Man kann auch das Rode Program FuzzMeasure benutzen, kostet halt was.

    Ich mach das auch immer zum Ausmessen der FOH und zum finden von Raumresonanzen.

    Anyway beide setups durch sweepen und durchrauschen.
    Dabei auch ruhig auch mal die Signallaufzeiten vergleichen.
    Und das ganze bei verschiedenen Lautstärken durchmessen.

    Oft verändern sich Frequenzgänge in Abhängigkeit der Lautstärke,
    Gerade Amp- CAB's reagieren da oft empfindlicher und anders als FOH Speaker.

    Jedenfalls kannst du mit den Messergebnissen gezielter vorgehen.
    Beispiel hier: Bogner vs Marshall vs Kemper.


    Erstmal Danke für die Tipps.

    aalrh: die IRs schaue ich mir an

    @Yoda: Mischpult ist Allen&Heath. Unser Drummer ist studierter Tontechniker und aktuell auch sehr unglücklich mit den Direktsignalen.
    Ich bin mal direkt in die aktiven Proberaumonitorboxen rein. Werde es aber mal mit Direktsignal in PA probieren.

    Und die Cuts probiere ich aus

    antonio: Meinst Du die freie Wav-Datei "Free SinMix CAB IR"? Hab ich probiert. In meiner Erinnerung ein Mix aus sehr basslastig untenrum und trotzdem harsch obenrum.

    Die -12dB nicht vergessen aber das weist du ja.

    Bist du sicher das es am Kemper liegt?

    Ich vermute eher das die Vorstufe vom Mixer daran schult ist.

    Oder der Channel EQ.

    Welches Mischpult / Welcher Eingang (MIC / Line In) ?

    Was habt Ihr für Frequenzweichen ?

    Was habt Ihr für Subwoofer ?

    Versuch. Geh mal direkt vom Kemper in die PA Endstufe oder Aktiv Box.

    Setze mal einen LowCut und HighCut auf die X Position und mache erst bei 200Hz auf und bei 6,5 KHz wieder zu.


    I didn't change any thing, when I go back to V6 every thing was like before.

    Right now I don't have the time to fiddle around.

    Is there a way to dump/export the system settings to the USB Stick ?

    When I have more time I will measure the KPA with a Frequence Analyser Tool. (before and after update).

    What you mean with Channel?
    Left / Right Panorama?

    You can always use the Morph function.

    RIG / Page 1 -> Panorama

    or any stereo effect from Mono to Stereo ?

    About morphing

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    After a stereo effect use the stereo widener

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    Happy new Year to all.

    I'm using a Profiler PowerRack.

    So I updated to 7.1.5 and noticed that with High Gain Profiles there is something wrong with the sound.
    Something between 5 to 7 Khz the Sound get's harsh and crispy commared to Version 6.

    Sounds like digital fractals.

    I testeted with the same Profiles ( e.g. Rig Exchange: Bogner Goldfinger from RickyStorti with the Mars 1960 AV Cab).

    Double checked with 2 different FRFR Speaker ( HeadRush FRFR-112 and a Passive Cabinet with Celestion F12-X200).

    Is there any know Issue with that?

    Anyone here with two Kempers to make an A/B Test?

    Do I have Paranoia ? :wacko:

    I'm back to Version 6 right now.

    Stell dir vor, 50 Leute bestellen die Stage. Kemper beliefert den Händler diese Woche mit 20 Stück. Während immernoch 30 Leute warten, bestellen wieder 20 Leute neu, bevor Kemper die Woche drauf wieder 20 Stück an den Händler liefert .... etc. etc.

    Ergebnis: Das Teil ist nie "vorrätig" aber der Händler verkauft und liefert trotzdem 80 Stück pro Monat. ;)

    Das ist das beste was einem Händler passieren kann, wenn es schon verkauft ist bevor es noch im Lager ankommt.
    Geht halt weg wie warme Semmeln .... oder ?