Updates Sometimes Work, Sometimes Don't

  • I put the .bios under the OS Update folder on a KPA formatted USB stick, and I have 2 of them.

    Sometimes it gives me the option to update, others it doesn't. It always sees the stick and allows me to import/export, but rebooting or switching sticks may not do anything, switching the knob to Tune then Browser, nothing.

    But then, all of a sudden, randomly it pops up the modal window asking if I want to update.

    Is there a specific procedure I'm to use to ensure an update? I've always been able to update, but I gotta play games to get it going.

  • It's random. Are you saying the modal window comes up within 10 seconds or something?

    Sometimes it does. Most times it doesn't. The option to use the stick comes up as a choice in the main window, but not the update modal window.

    Maybe I'm impatient and need to wait? I typically wait a minute or two and then try doing something else. I switch between the 2 sticks to see if one was having trouble or not contacting well, but since I can import/export I know it's not that.

  • I noticed the same thing db. I usually have my usb stick in when I power up, and for me I recycled power twice and it never saw the new OS, (however it did see the stick). Then when I unplugged it and plugged it back in while the KPA was already powered up, I got the "new OS detected" pop-up, and I was off and running.

  • Ok, I knew that the same OS won't do it. Good to know you don't need to reboot, just swap the stick in/out.

    I don't see it as a problem until I can't do an update, but so far I've ALWAYS been able to do every update successfully. Just sometimes it works first time, other times, I gotta remove and replace the stick a few times. Each time though, the stick IS recognized as external storage, so it's not a problem with a bad connection.

    Will the Rig Manager ever be able to update the OS? That would be cool. I like redundant features.

    I chalk this issue up to the KPA being Moody. Perhaps CK created the first realistic Artificial Intelligence as a side-effect of Amp Realism! Who knew!