Beginner question

  • Hello everyone,

    a beginner here with a beginner question - I downloaded a profile from Chop Tones. I cannot put it on the KPA using the usual USB method and the guys at Chop Tones tell me I need to load the profilke from Rig Manager, to the Kemper (I have a powerhead).

    So I find the profile in local files on Rig Manager, but when I connect the KPA to my MacBook with a USB cable, I cannot tell if it is indeed connected. The Rig Manager window does not change.

    How can I tell if the KPA and the MacBook/Rig Manager are connected, so I can drag and drop the profile onto the powerhead?

    To whomever answer, thanks!!

  • Welcome to the forum! I have Windows, not Mac, but I presume that the fundamentals are the same. When RM connects to your computer you should see it go through a sync process, then you will see the current profiler rig in focus at the bottom of RM where the editor portion shows. If you're not getting that far, then I'm not sure what to do on a Mac (other than make sure the USB cable is good). Once you have a connection, all you have to do is double click on the rig you want in the local library, then do a save to the profiler.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Hello BlackWatch,

    Are you using the right USB connector on the Kemper? You need to use the D shaped USB, not the connector you'd use for a USB drive.

    And whatever version of Rig Manager you have installed needs to match up with your Kemper OS. If out of sync it may not be able to find the Kemper.