Stereo input for reamping two guitars with one profile (with built in latency if needed)

  • Hi everyone,

    I'd like to submit the idea of having the possibility to use 2 inputs simultanously for reamping purposes. Being able to reamp two tracks at the same time, and being able to monitor
    how the sum of the left and right guitars would sound with just one mouse click instead of having to reamp both tracks before being able to make that judgement would be the most mindblowing thing kemper could do for sound engineers, and I think that this feature is more and more needed to compete with the quality and ease of use of newer amp sims.

    If processing power is an issue, or if kemper simply do not want to do that to avoid having bands using only one kemper live etc, this feature could come with a built in latency that allows the kemper to process the 2 tracks and/or makes it unplayable in a live setting. No one can play guitar with let's say 50ms of latency8o. In the studio though, we could just apply negative latency to the DI tracks to compensate for it, and almost have the ease of use that amp sims bring.

    Edit : This is about having 2 guitars go through the exact same profile and chain, not using 2 different profiles on the 2 guitars.

    What do you guys think?:thumbup:


  • i’m not sure I fully understand this request.

    if you are saying that you would reamp two guitars to play different profiles simultaneously, i’m prety sure that isn’t possible with the current hardware.

    if you are saying that both reamped signals would go through the same profile, can you not already achieve this by simply routing both DI guitar tracks to the same output in the DAW?

  • Hi Wheresthedug,

    Just to clarify, this is not about using 2 different profiles to reamp the left and right guitars. The point would be to have the left and right guitars go through the exact same chain.

    My understanding is that it's not possible as of now, and the Kemper only takes mono signals. I do not have my kemper set up with SPDIF, so if there is a way to make it happen using that, I do not know about it, but my research on the internet leads me to believe that it's not possible for now.

    Is it allowed to tag someone from Kemper to know if it's possible/ would be technically possible to do?


  • yes, it is allowed to tag someone from Kemper.

    I still think you can achieve what you want up to a point at the moment. You can run two signals from your DAW into the Kemper but they will be mono rather than hard panned left and right, in order to get stereo reamped guitars you would need two profiles which can’t be done with the current hardware. The Stack section is mono. The signal only splits to stereo from Slot X onwards.

    howeever, you can sum two guitar in the DAW and send a mono signal of both guitar parts through the Kemper at the same time.

  • Sorry for digging this up, but it just doesn't let me go :D

    ckemper , could you chime in and comment on if this would technically be possible to bring as an update or not? For example, would it be possible to update the kemper to be able to use the Spdif and the reamp return input at the same time? Not talking about having 2 different signal paths with different settings. Just have the same settings applied to 2 different DI tracks to be able to monitor and reamp them at the same time.


  • I hate to revive this old thread but YES! YES! AND SO MUCH YES! to this idea.

    Being able to hear what the "final" reamped sound will be (i.e. two independent performances hard panned left/right using the same profile) would be a GAME CHANGER!

    Currently we have to record 5-10 seconds of performance #1, then pan it left, then record 5-10 seconds of performance #2, then pan it right, THEN listen to the finished product. If we don't like the tone we have to delete/redo that entire process using the next profile.

    It's cumbersome!