Posts by b_ryan

    Okay…it actually works now. Kinda.

    I get the DI and Stack into Logic on separate channels. So far so good. The direct monitoring on the Kemper does nothing. I can only hear the guitar, if I press the monitor symbol on the track and if I run it at 128, there’s “no” latency. What am I missing regarding the lack of direct monitoring in the Kemper? It doesn’t send them to my audio interface. I have to open Logic to get sound….and through the track’s own monitor button. If I just play it with Logic turned off, I get no sound.

    But thank you for the help so far :)

    Can someone please explain, how I get to record my Kemper in Logic Pro through USB? I've read the USB Audio section in the manual, but I seem not to be able to understand how it works. I cannot see anywhere in this section, that the Profiler has to be the audio interface to record through USB. I might have missed it though. But is it possible to use my RME Babyface Pro fs audio interface whilst using the Kemper's USB for recording? I have selected "profiler" in Logic Pro as the input. Logic only displays "Mic1 and Mic2" as choices and no USB input is visable. The output is still my RME Babyface.

    What am I doing wrong? I use RM and both the Kemper, RM and Logic are the latest versions.

    Actually, I had to edit my post-there are two types of automatic backups. One has the ending .rmbackup and contains the local library and the other one is a backup of every Profiler that was ever connected to that Rig Manager. The name of that backup contains the serial number of the Profiler. I would suggest the OP sends a copy of the backups that end with .rmbackup to the support team.

    I saw your first post, where you asked for a picture. Other people have asked for this, but I cannot upload pictures. I just tried again. The picture is too big, even though it's a jpg and I don't know how to make it a smaller file.

    Yes, the backups that has the end .rmbackup had 5 backups. The other one you are talking about, is that the ones that has the ending .db? Because these consist of 20 files and I can see, that I've now lost the earliest of them, whilst opening RM, so now I've lost the one from the end of 2022. Yes, I had a long period in the beginning of 2023, where I focused on non-guitar related music and didn't turn on the Kemper.

    The rmbackup files had 5 files in the folder and none of them had my stuff in it.

    did you get your problem solved ?

    No, I'm afraid I didn't get to solve my problem. Everything is lost and I have to re-record everything now. Such a bummer. The Kemper admin stated, that there was 20 backups, but there were only 5 and none of them had the missing profile packs and rigs in them. I learned a vital lesson. Don't be naive and trust that everything will just work, because it did for 10 years or so. But thanx to EVERYONE trying to help me out. Much appreciated.

    first make a backup of your existing Kemper !!

    then try to load one of the backups from the "Backup" Folder in your rig manager

    when you find them you can from there store them to your kemper again, maybe you have to try diff ones, maybe start with the oldest backup

    in the "Prst" Folder in "library" you will see your presets , im sure

    In the “Prst” folder, I do not see them. I will do what you propose. I think I will open a support ticket before though.

    one more Question

    What exactly do you mean with Presets ?

    Presets in Kemper only saves different FX Settings as Delay Reverb etc.

    Do you mean this , or you mean different settings of one . Profile?

    which are called snapshots ?

    Good question of course. What I mean by preset is, that I’ve found a profile, tweaked it to my guitar to the best of my abilities and then saved it and renamed it. I then made a folder for these saved and renamed presets. That’s gone along with a lot of bought profiles, that were also in a folder, which is gone. Some of these bought profile packs, can be retrieved from the link in my mail, I would assume. These are not the ones, I’m actually worried about. It’s the profiles, I’ve tweaked and saved and that I’ve used on recordings. If I cannot retrieve them, all guitars and basses has to be re-tracked 8| , which is not an idea to my liking.

    Rig Manager creates backups and keeps them for the last 20 runs, iirc. So, please open a support ticket and get help to figure this out.

    I have to add that I never heard of things just gone with RM.

    I just might have to. Just thought I'd give it a go here first. There is a lot of knowledge here as well.

    It's not only gone within RM. It's totally gone. The 20 last runs? Is that the last 20 times, I've been using the Kemper? If so then there definitely is hope for me, since I've only used it for about 5-8 times since I found out. I just hope that it didn't happen a lot prior to this, since I've been playing with 1 profile the past period and didn't look at RM or anything. So it can have been this way for months and I just didn't realize this.

    you have to use in Finder the "alt" Key on your Mac when you point to "GoTo" Tab, then the Library Folder Folder appears in the list, normally its hidden, its not the "Library" Folder you see when you point to" Macintosh HD" on the left side in Finder, you cant find it via search in Finder

    <you have to use the "Alt" Key in "Goto" Menu

    Okay...I found it. There's no sign of old profiles and packs though. Only the following folders:

    - Backup

    - Editor

    - Local library

    - Preset Packs

    - Paf

    - Prst

    - Rig Packs

    And they contain some different xlm-files and db-files. The stuff I can see in my Kemper and in RM are there as well.

    I'm not a Mac user but try this. Go to settings in Rig Manager, switch to beta updates, then check updates in Rig Manager menu.

    I know. I’m not using BETA’s. I’m waiting for it to be elevated to official release. I was just pointing out, that I cannot see USB on Mac described in the BETA, so I was just thinking, that they concentrate on Windows first. As far as I see, they only describe USB on PC in the description of the BETA. So I was just happy, that people are posting, that they use it with Mac. I was surprised.

    Just another thought...

    Maybe somehow you've created a new user profile on your Mac (where it says "your user name" above). Look in that "/User" folder from above and see what user names exist. If you've somehow created a new one, your old files may under a different user name. In any case, check under "/ Library/Application Support/ Kemper Amps/ Rig Manager" for any other User names that might apply.

    Still the same user name/e-mail in the settings menu. And some of the folders with bought profiles are still there.

    Take a picture of the screen with your phone if you have to.. Or load the screen shot on Google Images or whatever and link to it.

    RM doesn’t just decide to delete something. It doesn’t.

    If you’ve used Time Machine - or any backup solution - the files are there. If not, I’d suggest setting that up regardless of the outcome here.

    I tried using the phone. The image is still too big for uploading here. Yes, I see that I should have used this Time Machine thing, which I never heard of until now. I'm a fairly new Mac user. It still doesn't take away, that I should have done some backups though. Never did that on Windows either. Never really had this issue before, but it's a good idea. No doubt.

    they are definitely on your mac, try to locate them via

    Finder "go to" Tab , use the Alt Key then you see the Library entry pop up

    /user/"your user name" / Library/Application Support/ Kemper Amps/ Rig Manager

    there you find all there ever was on your mac regarding Rig Manager

    I tried to do this. But there's no Kemper folder in the "Application support" folder ?(. I did a search in Finder and I found some folders, that said Kemper Amp, but I'm not really sure, what I'm looking for. There are som autobackups. It's them? :/