Posts by CarloLf

    Was änderst Du sonst noch am Amp als solches? Effekte tauschen hat ja meist nix mit der Substanz des Amps zu tun.

    Ich bin schon oft über Rigs gelaufen, die kommen derart aufgeblasen an, dass nach ihrem Einschalten, also ohne Spielen, gleich fürchterlich rauscht. Ich verstehe nicht, warum die Ersteller hier nicht den Noise-Unterdrücker eingeschaltet haben. Dann haben auch noch viele einen Wah-Wah-Modul drin, das aber nur für Leute ist, die ein entsprechendes FX-Pedal am Kemper haben. Oder aber: mir gefällt der EQ oder der Delay nicht, weshalb ich diese anpasse.

    Das alles hat mit dem Amp als solchem gar nichts zu tun.

    Some user ARossi recently uploaded some profiles of a Carvin Legacy 212 amp. For me, the

    AR Carvin Clean2 LEGACY 212

    sounded best. So, if ARossi is listening here, please can you tell what amp did you actually profile? Thanks a lot:!:

    it appears that V1.0 public Beta of RM was launched around Feb 2014 so I do believe it was originally intended as a stand alone piece of hardware.

    Sorry Wheresthedug, this is a contradiction. "A stand alone piece of" - not hardware! - but software, which was built to feed the "remote" device Profiler by USB-based communication? I understand, maybe they had a one way communication. Not sure about this.

    Maybe ckemper can clarify this (if it is not too hot to handle)?

    the KPA was always designed as a stand alone unit

    Is this true? I am just a new user who came on board with Profiler Stage last october. But I thought, you always had the RigManager connected by USB with the Profiler. Sure, there was no editor for setting up the profiles. Anyway, there was a UI with the Kemper where you could do all so things with setting up a profile, managing it's effects etc. And as the profiler is a computer, there always was a kind of data model which was manipulated by user interactions, and the memory model had to have invoked the hardware layer. So what is really new, the RigManager needed to have, as I would suspect, the same memory model (data) as that on profiler which is representet as the UI interface shown as editor. Now, with the editor the obvioulsy hard task is to keep both models on sync. Just thinking about this, I do not see why this can be so complicated. This is a kind of a transactional replication task you find on my distributed systems.

    Maybe I miss something in this picture because I have no insights. But if I am right, I get the suspicion that the code is not very clearly broken up into small, good separated, manageable pieces which only are responsible for one dedicated task. At least, within the last months when each new release brought new bugs, did resolve some bugs on one edge but brought some know bugs back at another edge, leads me to this impression. Sorry.

    majority of serious issues is somewhere between RM and the hardware itself

    I don't think so. The hardware of the profiler seems including it's software model seems to me very stable. I did not find any problems running the profiler alone; and this is also true for performance mode. In former days, before the editor came into it's beta versions, I did the whole editing thing with the profiler UI itself. As far as I remember, no problems besides the somewhat uncomfortable UI on the profiler.

    So, whenever I had real problems with RM editing and the profiler, I always had the impression that both memory models on both sides of this constellation are not very good in sync. There are some minor bugs, i.e. when you edited a name with RM that was not reflected on the Profiler. Then harder bugs, when you moved a performance profile to another slot, which also was not reflected on the profiler. Finally the hard bugs, when some editing on RM lead to a crash with the Profiler.

    So, my conclusion is: the software which tries to keep both sides (Profiler, RM) in sync might have bad structures, bad actings on UI events leading to false changes of memory models.

    Maybe opening the sources to the public could make this better. At least the code would get some controls by the guys here who often are software developers too. Kemper would not have to open source their hardware and drivers controlling this, but only the interfaces to the real kernel.

    Strange. In a Facebook forum I also read about some "DriverLog.txt" with some GB of size. I did not find this file on my system, only "DebugLog.txt". But this file now has a time stamp of 2020-24-04, means wasn't updated since then.

    I also do not like to have those files in the "documents" folder; it should be a clearly named folder within the RigManager's installation path (which on my system is somewhere on drive "D:".

    Damit fängt erst mal alles an.

    Typisch. Was du da so alles auffährst, was man so machen und tun kann. Und natürlich nie zufrieden! Tone Junkie eben. Wann wird dann noch richtig gespielt und geübt? Nach vielen Profiles, die ich selber antestete, und von denen es auch täglich neue gibt, komme ich zum Schluss: nimm etwas, was deinen Vorstellungen nahe kommt, stelle es für dich ein, SPIELE und gib dich erst mal damit zufrieden. Neulich quatschte hier im Forum einer bei der Suche nach dem definitiven Sound à la SRV von 13er Saiten.:P

    Crashes in my experience do only occur when you are editing sounds and use RigManager for this (also with the latest versions). In live situations using performances my profile never ever crashed.

    the result will be a totally undistorted and uncompressed sound that has the same perceived loudness as the fully distorted version.

    I do not agree. "perceived" shure is very subjective. My experience since many years (before the Kemper) is that in live situtations bringing the distortion in, kicks the loudness down in terms of per perceived volume. Loud, but clear or crunchy sounds I always found to be more full and mighty than distorted sounds. And this experience was the same if I was a listener in the public or if I was playing on stage. And this is the same with Kemper. With the Green Screamer, which I use often, I turn the Drive parameter to 0 or 1, but Volume I turn nearly full up.

    Ok, in the end: all is subjective to what you can and want you to hear.

    Das kann ich nur 1:1 bestätigen. Wenn Du zu viel am Amp rumschraubst dann wird das in den seltensten Fällen besser.

    Das sehe ich definitiv anders. Abgesehen davon, dass mir die meisten Profile, die ich probiert, teilweise auch gekauft habe, oft nicht gefallen haben, konnte ich doch genügend auswählen, mit denen ich arbeiten konnte. D.h.: ich habe sie immer so verändert, dass sie mir gefielen. Oft hieß das zuerst: Gain runter, dann hörst du den Amp, wie er tatsächlich ist und sich von anderen Amps abhebt. Denn ich finde ohnehin, dass dieses High-Gain-Zeugs ohnehin gegen "alle gleich matschig" gehen (das ist schon bei den Amps so). Dann habe ich oft blöd eingestellte Effekte entfernt oder ersetzt; blöde WAHs z.B. Und ich habe oft einen Compressor vor den Amp gesetzt, nach dem Amp einen EQ.

    Klar: das ist alles Geschmacksache. Wenn man auf heavy gain steht, sieht man das anders.

    the sound of Ritchie Blackmore

    what is it? Marshall sounds? Engl sounds? Ritchie with Purple? with Rainbow? I think there are a lot of free profiles on RigExchange you can use to get what you might have in your mind. But: you must shape it yourself! I myself never met any profile (or better: rig!) that was just ready to play and satisfied me for what I was looking for.

    On another level of Ritchie traces, you might read this article: Ritchie and his Strat (tones).

    I copied some of my used performance amps to the presets folder to have a quick access to try an amp on a profile. What I do miss is the informations of the amp: amp name, user who profiled it, date, etc. I think it would be very usefull to have it displayed, because I store the amp in the preset with my own name. Would like to have a way to reconstruct the information from the original amp profile.

    This is why it’s essential that we can manage them on the unit itself without this software.

    Yes,this is a kind of last resort - to me. But the editor is so much more comfortable and clearly laid out, easy to handle all available settings.
    There must be a way for the software on the profiler and the computer to have the same memory model updated whenever one makes changes on either of them. Whereever the user changes some settings in one of the data model, it must eagerly be synchronized to the parallel model on the other device. That should not be very complicated - given the models are well designed and given the communication channels works well. Ok, my thoughts without really knowing what is behind the scenes...

    Today, booting my Stage and playing around on my performances, I noticed that a performance I created and edited yesterday just disappeard;

    Now I had this bug again. First I doubled a performance on to a free performance number, gave it a graphic equalizer, gave it a name, then I moved it up near the original performance. All good so far. But today, when I restarted Profiler and RM, I saw: the new performance was still there, but it was doubled more than once: first, the next number was overwritten by it, and I saw 2 more copies of it at the end of my list of performances.
    A bug like this is not acceptible! And, then more I read from other users (here and in Facebook forums) about bugs they ran into, the more I came to the conclusion, that this software on RM and profiler cannot be considered as stable. Too many bugs show up at each new version, new and former known bugs. So I suppose, it should cleanly be rewritten. :(