Matrix Power Amp and 4x12 vs. FRFRs?

  • Guys, I just play for hobby enjoyment. I'm only in need of loud bedroom level volume and want to unlock the Kemper's potential. I want to upgrade my ancient Behringer truths. CLRs look like expensive over-kill to me for bedroom levels. I'm wishy-washy on the DXR10s.
    My question is, does a Matrix + 4x12 cabinet trump over FRFRs for amp feel at bedroom levels? I'm one of those old nostalgic guys, I could end up going back to analogue if I can't settle this to my satisfaction.
    Any input from someone who has tried both setups is most welcome!

    "Heavy Metal does have a message for the rest of the world: Fuck You!" -Sebastian Bach

  • In my opinion a 4x12 makes no sense for bedroom level at all.

    I kept a Badger 18 and an AC15 for bedroom level, but most of the time I use my small studio monitors with the kpa, when it has to be "almost" silent.

    If you want to feel the air being moved by your play, we are not talking about bedroom level anyway.
    It appears to me, that this is not a technical question at all ;)

    90% of the game is half-mental.

  • Hi!
    I have a 2*12, a 4*12 and yamaha hs80m + Powerhead.
    And I don't say "go frfr".
    The thing is, you should know, if you want to use the cabs of the Kemper.
    If you have one favorite (2*12/4*12) cab, and you would like to have a 'amp into cab' sound, you really should go for the cab! But for bedroom level I would recommend a 2*12 :) easier to handle, and better for low volume :) (my opinion).
    Don't forget :
    If you really use a cab, you can still use the cab simulation for example with your headphones.

    If you want to use the cab sim of the Kemper all the time, you really should go (like the others said)frfr.
    It's a matter of Taste, and the best way to find the best solution is to try it out :)

  • I'm running into either my 6505 2x12's power amp and out the speakers or my M-Audio desk monitors, depending on what I feel like at the time. I don't generally notice much of a difference in terms of "in the room feel" and all that unless I take a profile with a similar cabinet to mine, listen to it through the monitors, and then turn off the cab and run it through my amp. At THAT point, the 6505 tends to sound a little better, but I'm pretty sure that it's just because I'm comparing 12" speakers to 5" ones. It's not a huge difference at bedroom volumes anyway.

  • On a side note, should you decide to go FRFR, if the reason to not go for the CLR is the sound volume, I'd say go for it anyway. It's not the power, is the sound quality that makes them great. They are "the" tool "to unlock the Kemper's potential". You will hear exactly what's coming from it... and your fingers :thumbup: