Can't Restore after deleting multiple rigs

  • I followed the instructions here:

    More convenience managing large amounts of rigs

    I tried with 7zip and now winrar but when I try to restore kemper says:

    "This backup is damaged beyond repair. Please restore from another backup file."

    I also noticed the original zip up file is about 2.3MB and after deleting all but 100+ rigs, it was down to 200kb - not sure if this is normal.

    Anyone else having this issue? Am I doing something quirkly? It seems really straight forward so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

    Also, I did successfully restore the original backup so I know that the back up file is good.

    Any help would be great.

  • Yes, deleting just the .kipr files. I do open the "unpacked" folder, then Select All then right click on a folder (can't right click in an empty space) and select add to archive and change the ext to .kpabackup which creates a new compressed file which I move back to my usb stick in Backups.

    I noticed that the instructions in step 7 says to right click and select "unpack" but I don't have this option, so I choose "extract". I don't think that would be the culprit.

    Also, the big thing I noticed is the orig compressed file from the Kemper is just over 2MB. Using 7zip (or Winrar) to extract and then re-compress, the compressed forlder is now like 600kb and this is without deleting any rigs, just simply uncompressing and recompressing. I think the issue iw re-compressing be it with 7zip or winrar or etc.

    Is there a setting I need to change for re-compressing?

  • Please note that tar files typically are just packaged archives that contain 1 or many files. It's important to understand the difference between a simple package and a compressed package. The Profiler uses the simple tar (tarball) without any additional compression applied. So a compressed tar can't be processed by the profiler, because it simply doesn't support (de-)compression.

  • right, if you are at the root of your unpacked folder, you should see all the folders: cabinets, rigs, effects, etc. You should select them all and click "add to archive" (for 7-zip). That should open up a new archive in 7-zip. There should be a settings dialog somewhere, but it should give you the option of which compression format to use, and you have to choose none.

    it may be much easier to change the .kpabackup file to .rar, then open it and remove the files inside of 7-zip's file manager, then just save, then rename back to .kpabackup. So you never actually unpack it.

  • Please note that tar files typically are just packaged archives that contain 1 or many files. It's important to understand the difference between a simple package and a compressed package. The Profiler uses the simple tar (tarball) without any additional compression applied. So a compressed tar can't be processed by the profiler, because it simply doesn't support (de-)compression.

    Ok thanks Lightbox. But, I don't quite follow what I'm doing wrong then. I select "add to archive" and not sure if there is something else I should do. It seems to be compressing. Is there a way to "re-pack" or do am I not "unpacking" correctly by "extracting" the files?

  • I think the easiest way is to NOT use the commands using the context menu in Explorer but to open the archive in the actual WinRAR software. It will look like the Explorer window and you can easily delete files from the archive without changing the (non-)compression method.

    Don't know about 7-Zip, but meambobbo explained in post #6 :)

  • at work and don't have 7-zip here so i'm working from memory. if you right-click, then click 7-zip, you'll have several options. The 4 at the end are something like:

    * add to foldername.7z
    * add to foldername.7z and email
    * add to
    * add to and email

    NONE of those will work. They will all apply the default compression scheme.

    You need one that says:

    * add to archive...

    The "..." indicates it will open a dialog or further UI box. If you select that option, it will open up the new archive in 7-zip file manager. If you click File, there should be the option to Save the archive. Try save as. You should get a box with like a dozen or so drop-down options. One allows you to change the compression scheme to none.

    ...Again, the easiest thing is going to be to make your edits directly against the original archive and save without expanding, rather than expanding, editing, then re-archiving.

  • Awesome, thanks guys! I simply opened the original .backup folder using 7zip and deleted the rigs as meambobbo said (sorry missed your post earlier). And it worked no prob. I was definetly compressing it which was not right.

    Again, thanks!