Rig Manager don't update Rig exchange

  • sorry didnt work here
    the connection is ok to rig exchange
    in the browser it says connecting to Rig Exchange
    and then requesting File List
    but it didn't start to download the new rigs
    any help??

  • the XML File for the rig exchange is including the latest rigs
    but the db File for rig exchange doesn't match
    the last rig i got was from 9th of march
    seems the the rig list is syncing
    but the actual dats base don't
    any help??
    tried an unsinstall but didn't change anything
    any tips how to manually uninstall rig manager
    or is the uninstallation program working right?

  • Mine last synced on the 29th of March. At one time I was out of sync, missing several weeks. Renamed the db file and everything resynced. Considering there appears to be widespread issues with updates, this could be a server side issue, not client side.

  • Hi,

    i also have the same problem - RigManager wont update any more.

    I found the DebugLog.txt which provides some information :

    ------------- session start 2014-04-10 12:17:25------------------

    XML parsing error 5: Line 3, Col 148: syntax error in attribute

    0 files in XMLs
    Start downloading 0 rigs from RE
    unspecified RE download error
    DL command returned error 0
    Location vanished: Rig Exchange
    ------------------ closing application -------------------

    Hope that helps the devs.


  • Installed rig manager on a brand new win 8 PC
    Same result
    The Rig Exchange Data Base loads only Rigs up to 9 of March
    all other Rigs don't get in the Database
    The new Database which was installed today shows the Date from 10 of March
    Theres def a updating the database Bug
    cause the Rig XML List shows all Rigs up till today
    any more Ideas how to solve??

  • I've noticed two behaviors here and found these workarounds:

    1) The Rig Exchange doesn't update by itself.
    Workaround: Restart RigManager.
    Suggestion 2 Kemper: A menu choice and a right-click option to 'Refresh Rig Exchange'.

    2) When, after a restart, the Rig Exchange is updated (it tells You that it's downloading rigs!), the list view is not updated with the new rigs.
    Workaround: I just click-to-sort on a different column, then I switch back to Rig Date, and now the new rigs are shown.
    Suggestion 2 Kemper: After finished the RE sync, force a redraw (resort) of the view.

  • no it works
    i changed nothing
    can anyone explain what happened

    i just looked at the xml-files which are received from the RigExchange - some attribute names changed (no more "_" in some of them) and now the synching works again (seems strange as underscores seem to be valid in xml attributes - but anyways)- hurray.

    thanks to devs for the quick fix !


  • I did not do anything to the local db where the profiles are stored. It just started working today, it appears for many of us. My take; server side issue that Kemper addressed.

    As far as the db file goes, there is one in your Windows user folder and if you rename or delete it then the RigExchange will be resync as if a new install. You just don't want to delete the db that has your user created profiles otherwise you'll have to go through and add them, rearrange, etc. again. There are a couple of other threads where this was discussed.

  • Rig Exchange is not updating for me in RM. I've tried deleting the DB file as well as the XMLs. I see the new profiles for 4/23 in the XMLs but they don't appear in RM. Sorting and re-sorting doesn't help either. The odd thing is this has never happened to me before and I've been using RM daily for a while now.
