
  • I'm at work, I will be home around 9pm and I'm going away for the week tomorrow morning, so I don't know if I'm actually going to be able to try anything until I get back unfortunately. I do appreciate your help and I'll update you all on my progress and how I'm finding the profiles I was sent by ML when I'm back.

    What I want to do is read up on the basic principles and terms that are involved in recording. Hardware etc. Do you have a resource or a book that I could buy/download that could get me started? Even a 'Dummies' guide would be fine!

  • Phil, that's a great idea :)

    If you want, PM me when you have an update, just in case I don't catch it here on the forum.

    I've learned A LOT from podcasts about this stuff. I can specifically recommend inside home recording and the home recording show. Some of it may be advanced, but just stick with it. Start with the first show of each.
    That is, of course, if you like to learn while listening.

    Most importantly: When you think you need new gear because of something you hear or read - you DON'T need new gear :) You have a perfectly fine setup. Keep that in mind. The internet, podcasts and everything else really tends to focus on gear, and not enough on the bread and butter stuff, which NO gear in the world can help you with. Actually, check out therecordingrevolution.com as well. Graham is a great guy, and keeps a tight focus on the fact that you DON'T need a lot of advanced gear.

    Also, take everything with a grain of salt :) opinions differ.

  • Thanks, I'm listening to the Home Recording show. :)

    I would actually be interested in doing a sound engineering evening class. How to mic an amp properly, terminology and hardware etc.

    I think I saw one at the London School of Sound, but they're expensive.

    Just some intensive information on EQing for complete noobs would be super valuable.

    Edited 2 times, last by PhilUK84 ().

  • Possibly. But having someone guide you with a syllabus and a comprehensive step by step guide with the ability to question and get answers provides a much better source of information to the fragmented, incomplete way that I'm learning now.

  • Possibly. But having someone guide you with a syllabus and a comprehensive step by step guide with the ability to question and get answers provides a much better source of information to the fragmented, incomplete way that I'm learning now.

    I can totally dig that. It's also something I have done. I don't have that many recommendations for the basic stuff, though... Anybody else?

  • So I've tried your profiles. They still sound crackly. These overtones just won't go away and I don't hear them on other recordings. People say they don't do any post production and they have these awesome distortions and nothing I do gets rid of these overtones.

    Listen to this. This was done on the 11R. It's tight, it didn't take long to dial in. https://soundcloud.com/farce_bandit/in-my-head-demo-new

    This was done on the Kemper, it's overly fizzy and crackly. Distortion/Clean sens does nothing to it, nor does clarity or anything else, I'm not clipping anywhere.


    I can't get it to sound remotely as good as this. (I done this on the 11R too) https://soundcloud.com/farce_bandit/without-you

    And here's a sample recorded with Logics VSTs, https://soundcloud.com/farce_bandit/new-1

    Which sound much better to me. Could there be something wrong here?

    Edited 4 times, last by PhilUK84 ().

  • Hey Phil,
    Your KPA sounds weird. Something is definitely wrong with the tones you're getting. And those TAF Redplate profiles I sent you are decent. Really strange. And based on your SoundCloud recordings, the mic'ed amp and Logic tones shouldn't be that difficult to beat with your KPA.

    Don't know what else to tell you except try to get a recording buddy to help you go thru your setup. Best of luck.

    BTW, the drums on "In My Head" are the best I've heard in your recordings. Keep going down that path.

  • That In My Head recording was done with the 11R a year ago, using EZDrummer. No Kemper involvement there. I'm getting some assistance in the SPDIF thread now. I do appreciate your help. Someone is taking a DI track I've recorded and will see what they can do with it. Have a look.

    If it's something simple I'm going to die... ;)

  • Hey PhilUK84,

    Is it possible you're going down too many paths at once? In your first posts you talk about the fizzy sound being there before you ever mention recording and interfaces. If you connect your Kemper directly to your Rokits (or whatver you currently monitor with) are you hearing the fizzy tones at that point? If so, is it in all or most profiles for you? Do you have more than one guitar to try (it could be something about the pickups or a combination of the profiles and guitar). Profiles that may sound great with a humbucker can sound pretty poor on single coils and vice versa unless you so some tweaking.

    Are you sure you have the cabinets enabled on the output? Not mixing in direct sound with the amp sound?

    Sorry if you've already tried all of this and hope you get the problem worked out.

  • It's evident on headphones, rokits whatever. I hear it in nearly all profiles. It's there on all my guitars.

    Cabinets are enabled.

    Really I need to find someone in London who is experienced with it who can diagnose it for me, but I don't know anyone at all who uses them, and I doubt that studios with them will be willing to let me come and without paying, so it could be very expensive.

    Dunno what to do. :/

  • Maybe some parameter that's locked, affecting all profiles?

    Otherwise, maybe it really is some hardware issue. Any near place where you can try another Kemper with the same profiles? Have you tried contacting support to see what they might suggest?

  • In regards to my USB interface.

    Inputs 1-8 are mic inputs with preamps. But 9 and 10 are 1/4 inch inputs with adjustable gain. Are they not suitable for recording or should I just use the ones that will be set to +10?

    I can never get it to sound anything but lo fi when I record a single track.

  • In regards to my USB interface.

    Inputs 1-8 are mic inputs with preamps. But 9 and 10 are 1/4 inch inputs with adjustable gain. Are they not suitable for recording or should I just use the ones that will be set to +10?

    I can never get it to sound anything but lo fi when I record a single track.

    Line inputs set to +4 is "professional" kine level, and are absolutely suitable for recording.

    What exactly you mean by "lo fi" is not clear to me.

    What kind of music are you playing? Rock, metal, country, pop...?