More "Space" models/options

  • I like the space effect and use it a lot even when I'm using the reverb effect just to get that slightly more natural in the room recorded sound and also a consistent roomy sound regardless of the patch used, but I'd love to see some more options.

    For instance, I'd like to have a few different "Spaces", like a club/larger room space, and a super tiny isolation space. And maybe some spaces made out of different materials for a softer or harder sound. And I'd love to have a stereo space option that adjusted the predelay to be slightly different on the left or right channel.

    If preset rooms/convolutions is too limited then it could be done as four controls, the existing "Mix" control then "Size", "Hardness" and "Stereo position", which would match up to the knobs nicely on the Kemper.

    That way we could use the space parameter to get a recorded sound direct from the Kemper of anything from totally dry through nice studio room, jazz club and all the way up to bad cellphone video of guy in bedroom (or of band at festival on windy day). Which could be used for some pretty fun creative possibilities.

  • I have the impression that Space doesn't model or simulate any room specifically, it's just an acoustical illusion based on phases and maybe some "delay" in a large sense.

    Sure convolution would be great, if hardware allowed :)

  • Yeah, as I explained I don't want to use the reverb for this (I use space as well as reverb). The Space effect is a different thing, it's designed to give you the recorded in a room sound (early reflections) and air, while reverb is a more general purpose special effect that is per-rig rather than across the board.