Performance mode restart bug

  • Greetings everybody ... I have been using a Kemper on tour for a few weeks now with my own profiles, and for the most part I'm very pleased with it! So much gear is built like poorly thought out toys but this thing is serious.

    Found a bug in performance mode in 2.5.0, and it's still there in the 2.6.0 Public Beta version. It goes like this: I have four rigs laid out in slots 1-4 (clean, rhythm, rhythm gate, lead) ... show ends on the lead patch, kemper gets switched off from there. When the amp is restarted directly into performance mode the next day, the lead rig has been copied into the clean slot.

    Workaround is to switch to another performance and then back, and then the clean is back to where it should be. But this is annoying and it has already bitten me on a couple gigs when the guitar tech forgot to do that ...

    Is this bug known / getting fixed anytime soon?


  • NDC this happened to me once, I just blew it off as a one time glitch. I haven't had this happen to me again but I am going to see if I can now reproduce it at will. If so I will report it as a bug.

  • Gizmo - It's the whole rig. Upon restart the slot is still labeled "clean" but the whole rig in that slot has been replaced.

    Ingolf - I have emailed support about it and was assigned to a ticket, #KA00086824, but the link I got in the automated email doesn't work, 404's for me. Any other way to look at the ticket? I certainly want to follow up and help any way I can.



  • I saw it and reported it. Kemper guys couldn't reproduce it ...... and neither could I.

    Do you have a fool proof recipe to get it to happen? I must have had it at one time because I saw it on several occasions before I reported it myself.