Would a DXR8/10/12 be too much for a bedroom

  • Just curious if you think that something like a DXR8/DXR10 would be too much for strictly bedroom use. My days of playing out are long over and I am looking for something for my home office. Would a PA speaker like that be too much? I dislike the narrow sweet spot of monitors so I'm wondering how a PA would do. What do you think?

  • I think personally that it would be too much, unless played at 1% of its potential which I don't think would be satisfying either.

    For that kind of air volume to fill, unless you really dislike you neighbours, a good pair of somewhat small monitors would do the job even though you might not like their sound focus to a narrow point.

    For the time where you want to go full throttle, an excellent pair of headphones would really be the best bet. I agree that it's not the same feeling as moving real air though.

  • I disagree totally. I have a good pair of headphones and the sound isn't nearly what my dx10 produces. Also have studio speakers and better but still no comparison. The dx10 is perfect for the Kemper and if you own a Kemper you owe it to yourself to buy the dx10 to realize its greatness.

    I play mostly inside in my office too, and turn them to -6db flat and the Kemper around 3 on volume and the quality is amazing.

    Ps: I own the dx10, I would recommend that or the 8

  • You know, whatever floats your boat.

    To me a dxr10 or 8 would be like having a Lamborghini limited to going in circles around a karting rink (much more chances to go off road). But, to be fair, a small space doesn't prevent you from doing a smoke show from time to time.

    Anyway, doesn't matter, you will find here the opinion that works with what you unconsciously want already.
    OP said that days of playing are long gone and he will use in a small space. I focused on that to give my opinion.

    And I would also like to mention that I disagree "totally" with Ooz apart from the fact that the DXR line is a fine piece of equipment.

  • The big "appeal" of getting a PA vs studio monitors and headphones is that I can play standing up and move around in the room a bit. That's hard to do with headphones and as I mentioned the narrow sweet spot of monitors is limiting in that case. But I do get the point about only using a fraction of what a PA can do in my office. I do get to play somewhat loud at home, but nothing like a PA can put out.

  • You don't have to play loud, the quality of the sound itself is much better than any of the other options. Having a Kemper and using it with headphones is like the Lamborghini analogy, not the other way areound. Kemper costs 2100 dx10 costs 400.

    To to me it's an obvious choice. Good luck!

  • Most modern FR speaker-designs deliver reasonable audio-quality even at a moderate volume. Yamaha's DXR and BDR-ranges are no exception. I have no problem using 1300W Yamaha DSR112s for bedroom practise either.

  • I believe that you have to buy a cab that sounds great. The maximum SPL it can deliver is secondary, unless you end up spending most of the budget just to buy watts that you're not going to use :)
    So if a cab sounds great at low volume, I'd invest in it no matter the cost per watt :)

    Unlike the DXR, that Tyler says sound good only at medium/high volume, the CLR sounds spectacular at room level. I can play in the middle of the night if I want.
    What changes with the sound's volume is the way we perceive sounds, not how the CLR works.


  • I knew someone would recommend the CLR! :) It's just a lot of money for home practice, though I have blown more than that on other "toys".

  • LOL

    No, not really specifically recommending it. My point is to choose a cab which sounds great for the application, regardless how much of it you "waste". The point is IMO if it can do you more for you, and if you can afford it.


  • I've got a dxr8 that i use both at home and with the band ( 2 guitars, 1 bass, drums and 1 singer playing rock covers)

    at bedroom level , the sound is very good ( for me)
    at "live" level, i use it at les than half of its power, also very good sound Quality(for me and other band members)

    in my opinion you can use it the way i do, you won't be disapointed

  • I've used RCF ART310A's, which are similar to the DXR10's, and they were great in my bedroom studio. I currently have JBL LSR305 nearfield monitors, and they sound great too. Given a choice, I'd go back to the 310A's ...

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Out of curiosity, why would you go back?

    I enjoyed the extra sound filling the room. Don't get me wrong, the JBL's have a wonderful sound, but they're definitely for a small space - AND, they fit on my computer desk ;)

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer