Unable to import all purcased files from USB stick

  • Hi. Looking for some help.
    I purchased and downloaded 60 profiles and then transferred them to the USB stick, but can only seem to transfer 15 of the profiles whilst importing to the Kemper. I've repeated the importing process a few times. Is there a limit on how many you can import? I have 999 profiles in Browser mode.

  • Thanks for the replies. I deleted around 60 profiles from the Kemper in order to make room (and saved copies to my hard drive).
    Have the new purchased profiles (unzipped) on the USB stick (where they were when I started my first attempt at import) , but cannot seem to get the remaining 45 to import to the Kemper.
    I'm not sure where I'm going wrong!

  • Has the unit been turned off since deleting those rigs? I'm wondering if something is still in memory that's stopping it. I know that's unlikely, but rebooting the KPA is simple to do ...

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