FRFR Monitor..........Verticle or Horizontal?

  • After playing shows with my FRFR I have used it on the floor like a wedge monitor in front of me and behind me which sounds fine. Sometimes too much in your face in front but I while at practice one day I set it up raised off the floor about 12" and in a vertical position. For myself I think it sounds so much better that way and played the next show with it in that position, I really liked the sound, thought it was its most natural that way. My current FRFR is an EV ZLX12P but I have on the way 2 Yamaha DXR10's which I probably will use just one for shows but got a great deal on them. So for me vertical is my preference. I am just curious as to everyone's thoughts on this and if you have tried the FRFR both ways.

  • You can't argue with preferences.
    However, how an FRFR cab is placed makes for a different sound for sure.
    The good ones (DXR, CLR) have compensation switches to make up for this fact.

    To me it depends what I want to achieve: If I want to monitor myself - wedge position.
    If additionally I want the audience to hear me (in case of no PA) - vertical on a pole above ear level.

  • Agreed what ever you like is perfect. I use the ZLX as well, it's always vertical on the floor. The only changes I'll make is adding or removing bass to compensate for the different venues. Seems I mostly add bass for hard surfaces unless it's old wood.

  • I know it's not optimal but I put my 6 space rack on top of my monitor at smaller venues (so long as there's a wall for back support!)

    I also checked my ZLX12P last night on stage and it does have a switch to set it for monitor, wedge, etc. Didn't know that.