Rar file drag and drop?

  • I've just bought an ampeg profile and saved it to my desktop but now all I can find is a Rar file that I can't drag and drop to my Kemper in Rig Manager.

    Is the Rar file what I want, If so what do I do with it?

  • RAR is an archive of files and you need a tool to un-archive its contents (winrar, unrarx). I believe RigManager maintains an internal database with information about the available profile-files. Thus, the profiles won't appear within rig-manager if you just drop the profiles directly into RMs folders. I recommended that you first extract the profiles into an empty temporary folder with the un-archiver. Then start Rig manager where you choose where to store the profiles within RM (create a new folder if you want) then choose File->ImportRigs and point it at one or more files in the temporary folder. RM then creates its own copy of the profiles in the chosen folder within its own folder hierarchy. Finally, you can delete the rig-files from the temporary folder.

    I hope future versions of RM will include a function to detect and archive information about new profiles that is dropped directly into its folder hierarchy without using the import function.

    Edited once, last by heldal ().