IEM Recommendations

  • I know many of you here use IEM's and I am looking to purchase one myself. I hear many who have them are unhappy with the sound, I am sure it has much to do with buying cheap earbuds. It seems that the earbuds with 4 drivers are the best and just want to know from the people who use them who is completely satisfied with theirs in live band situations and what make and model do you have. Also would like to know what receiver and transmitter you are using. I want to do the homework upfront and not spend a lot of money on something that does not sound good and end up pulling them out of my ears.

  • I can tell you I'm not unhappy with the sound of mine. I have the V6's from 1964 cost me £600 and have 6 drivers each side. Every gig I play I cant believe how good they sound and I can hear everything on stage so clearly. before my IEM's I never had a monitor just a backline for guitar and relied on the vocals being loud enough front of house so I could hear them. Before Xmas I had to send my IEM's back for a repair. and I played 2 gigs without them. Never again will I do that!! I couldn't believe how loud the drums are on stage and how hard it was to hear everything.

    Before I brought mine I had a demo session with the company I brought mine from I got to listen to all modals and all makes. They all sounded good but for the money the V6's sounded the best. I use a Sennheiser G2 transmitter/receiver and its very reliable, I never get interference and I brought it 2nd hand of ebay. The bass player in my band has the G3 system and he's very happy with that too.

    In my opinion IEM's are the way to go, but it will take you a little time to get your mix right and used to them being in you ear. I'd go for it :)

  • Thanks Raoul I did check them out. They look more advanced as some other high end buds and cheaper. I have never heard of the company but I am going to check into it some more, looks very promising and very reasonable for high end buds. I just don't want to spend a lot of money and be disappointed.

  • I also have the 1964 Ears V6 Stage IEMs. My goal at last year's NAMM show was to purchase a pair, so I auditioned every manufacturer there. The V6's were the clear bang-for-the-buck winner, IHMO. The JH Audio were the best overall, but for twice the price.

  • I have the JHAudio JH-16s (8 drivers per ear) They sound fantastic. They weren't cheap, though. $1150 USD.
    I use the Shure PSM-900 which I also really like.
    Like the others said, It takes a little getting used to, but once you get used to it, you will never want to go back to traditional monitoring.