Anyone do this?

  • My nieces birthday is coming up and she's got an e-drumkit, rhythm and a cheap n nasty hand me down guitar amp from me to use. So l decide to get her a drum monitor. Box MA150 l think it's called from Thomann. Turned up today and well err l had to test it, y'know make sure it works and all that.
    Put a drum thing through it and it sounded great. Then thought pipe some rhythm guitar in there as well. Not bad. Fired up the kemper and played through a pair of rokit monitors over it. It sounded awesome. I'm almost tempted to get one for myself. The improvement, over trying to run guitar and backing stuff through the rokits, was vast for a relatively modest amount.
    So l was wondering if anyone has tried. anything like this?

  • Yeah, independent playback systems is going to give you something close to a band feel. I used to pump track playback thru a 3 spkr sys with bass gtr going to a separate center monitor, drums and keys to L and R monitors and played guitar thru my amp. But all this was BK (before Kemper). Big fun, tho.

  • Not directly. Had loops on an rc-50 from the kemper and pushed those through. It did sound good though and the drums too. Do you think l should break the 15" speaker in for my niece? I've boxed it back up now for her birthday.