Cool rig, and I have it

  • Two weeks into my Kemper ownership I was getting a bit overwhelmed with the possibilities and range of rigs available. I got this illustration idea from someone on the forum. Can't find the thread again, sorry!

    Anyway, these are the amps I'll be playing this at a gig friday, thanks to user timowens and The Amp Factory. The cabs are probably not accurate from the profiles, but it gives me a bit more of a real feeling to see them "in front of me". I don't even know how many thousands of EUR we're talking in amps here but they are sounding incredible. So thanks to Kemper and to timowens and Amp Factory Andy!

    The Clean/Crunch/Lead names are a bit misleading as I use either amps with pedals as well so they are a bit overlapping and depends more on the song I'm playing.

    [Blocked Image:]

  • I couldn't be more impressed with the Kemper after my first gig with it! Even after such a short time in advance playing with it I had zero problems about effects not sounding right, levels between presets, sounds not cutting through or stuff sounding very different than it did in the rehearsal room. All problems I've had at one time or another with my Pod HD500X. It has been demoted to serving as a Kemper midi remote until the Kemper Remote arrives ;)

    I'm equally impressed by the musicality of the Kemper, for lack of a better term. All effects start with a good sounding starting point, and tuning it to suit is easy and musical, it's almost hard to get a bad sound from this thing. The reverb and delay as well, with their two knobs for quick tuning. With the Pod, I almost never adjusted things directly on the unit, even though that's completely possible. With the Kemper I of course don't have an editor on my Mac but I don't miss one either, and I appreciate that it is so easy to do right on the unit.

    Add to that the little touches, such as the tuner display coming up when the volume pedal is at zero. I'm sold!