Clean Sounds WAY louder than distorted.... over PA or Cabinet

  • Hello!

    This is phenomenon that I have encountered on many amps before.

    When playing at home over Headphones or over active Monitors (not very loud) I usually dial in the volume of my sounds. However, when I'm in the rehearsal room and playing LOUD it always ends in having the clean sounds suddenly as twice as loud as the distorted sounds (my feeling).

    Right not I have the volume of my distorted rig set to 0 db. However I had to set the volume of my clean sound rig to -12 db to match the same loudness on high volumes. When playing over headphones at home however, the clean sounds are now MUCH quiter.

    I know that this behavour is somehow natural, since distorded sounds are much more compressed. But since the Kemper has a linear power amp inside I was hoping that I get the same loudness behaviour between the sounds when playing on high volumes.

    I know the kemper has this clan and distortion sense parameters but I already experimented with them and I can't say that they do anything to my sound that helps in this case.

    How are you guys setting up your differnt volumes?

  • I would say start with the clean sense again. This is to level out the volume between clean and distortion sound. You should take a factory rig clean one and play, then increase the gain on the clean sound tweaking the clean sense to get these level when going from clean to distortion.

    also have you got the input locked?? If not when you change rigs it will default to the CS settings of the person who made the profile.

    Another thing I think is true is that you can only tweak gigging rigs properly at the volume they are going to be at it can't be done at bedroom volume, I learnt this many years ago.

  • I would say start with the clean sense again. This is to level out the volume between clean and distortion sound. You should take a factory rig clean one and play, then increase the gain on the clean sound tweaking the clean sense to get these level when going from clean to distortion.

    also have you got the input locked?? If not when you change rigs it will default to the CS settings of the person who made the profile.

    Another thing I think is true is that you can only tweak gigging rigs properly at the volume they are going to be at it can't be done at bedroom volume, I learnt this many years ago.

    This is excellent advice.

  • I would say start with the clean sense again. This is to level out the volume between clean and distortion sound. You should take a factory rig clean one and play, then increase the gain on the clean sound tweaking the clean sense to get these level when going from clean to distortion.

    also have you got the input locked?? If not when you change rigs it will default to the CS settings of the person who made the profile.

    Another thing I think is true is that you can only tweak gigging rigs properly at the volume they are going to be at it can't be done at bedroom volume, I learnt this many years ago.

    I'll give that one a try back home.

  • At stage volume, I set mine with a couple of Factory Stock Rigs - one clean, and one with distortion.

    The way you play clean sounds (and the guitar volume settings you use for clean and gain sounds) will also affect the settings you need to get balanced sounds. Another person's settings may be different than your settings.

    Compare mine to Walrus1's setting:
    Les Paul (and other stage guitars with similar output)
    Distortion Sense = -7
    Clean Sense = 0

    I usually don't need to change the cab volume to level out Factory Rigs. I do use it to level out User Rigs.

  • OK so i tried the following:

    I selected my high gain setting, then pulled the gain all the way down to make it sound clean.

    The - now clean - sound is much louder. So I decreased the clean sense to match the exact loudness compared to the distored sound.

    So far so good. That works.

    I now use this setting global for all my rigs. However when comparing my different clean sounds to the distorted sound the adjusted clean sense doesn't do anything.
    I can even play arround with it and set it to -12 or +12 and nothing changes sound wise. So now I am confused.

    I should mention that I don't use the same amp model for my clean sounds that I use for high gain.

  • Yeah I think the clean sense does not work the way I thought. I works only, if you use the same preset and play it on high gain - and on low gain settings. There you can level out the two different states perfectly. But when switching to a different clean sound with a different amp model and different EQ settings it just won't work the way it does before.So in order to get on a same volume level you still have to play witih the volume knob. (BTW: I have locked my input sense globally to test).

  • Clean sens is not for levelling the volume of different rigs, it's for levelling the clean sounds vs. the distorted sounds. Clean sens can't see what levels are dialed in on stomps, delay, reverb, cab etc. which make the volume of rigs different.

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)