A/B testing during direct amp profiling?

  • Hey all!
    Have u found out any good way of A/B testing reference amp when Direct amp profiling? I now switched refamp off and switched cable to speaker out on my powerrack to test, but to make a good A/B test it should go alot faster since the ear can get fooled by the pause.

  • Hey!
    Ok. But how's the result? I've read everywere that you should connect amps speaker out to a real cab for more authentic profiles. Haven't tried your method, have heard that profiles gets a bit muffled when not have cab connected. But it's much faster as you say. :kr

  • Hey!
    Ok. But how's the result? I've read everywere that you should connect amps speaker out to a real cab for more authentic profiles. Haven't tried your method, have heard that profiles gets a bit muffled when not have cab connected. But it's much faster as you say. :kr

    I tried both methods, and the profiles came out sounding identical. For this to work you need two speaker outputs.
    I use the Hotplate as "cab", and that's it.