What rig do you use for early Van Halen EVH?

  • Hi Paults...it is not for me but for a new kpa user which is in the search of the perfect VH1 album timbre.

    the fact that there are many EVH marked profiles doesn't mean this guy will have that particular sound. most of the time there is the tweaking to make. for instance, I have almost never found a profile that sounded excellent in a seller demo that would sound exactly the same when I used it. I always had to do something with the cab, mainly, and other things. that being the case for 'normal' profile, I wouldn't bet a dime to find a perfect VH1 album timbre at first shot plug and play.

    one of the best is the one used by Gundy Keller in the demo video. I mentioned this to this guy but he found that not good.

    this is the why I adviced him to search and tweak

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • I've tried a lot of plexi profiles and none of them hit the mark. I think it's because a plexi and a plexi dimed with a variac are two pretty different tones. The souped up modern Marshall clones come closer, in my opinion.
    I use MBritts Jack Lightening (Blade Bolt) profile with a hefty dose of plate reverb. A slow speed 4 stage phaser for some of the old songs and a unison harmonizer slightly detuned (microtune) on the Van Hagar era stuff where he was addicted to that chorus-y sound.

  • I have always been of the opinion of having goto artist profiles as per Paults question. The Sinmix EVH profiles are a good starting point but cant get stomps to fill in the gaps. Shouldnt the profiler give us an eruption profile without all that tweaking which usually ends up as noise. I want artist presets Bah Bah Bah.

  • I'm also curious what you guys are all using to duplicate the VH sounds. We are looking to finally cover some VH from the VH II through 1984 and I really want to capture the essence of each era.

    I will definitely check out Pete's tone match profiles.

    Husband, Father, Pajama Enthusiast

  • I use Pete's tone matched set almost nightly for early VH tones. Slight EQ tweaks for my guitars and haven't touched them since. And it's been a couple of years and they have never failed to blow people away. Highly recommended.

  • why don't you ask Pete's profiles (Okstrat) to do it for you? he's great in doing signature tmbres....chanse are it won't be too much costly...considering what you would need to spend if willling to purchase Gibson's amps ;)

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • Awesome, thanks for the recommendation.

    Now my next question will be how to get those early Billy Gibbons tones.

    Billy Gibbons uses Marshall JMP Preamps on the road from what I remember (there was a Premiere Guitar thing on him not too long ago.) I believe there are some profiles of that particular preamp on the exchange currently.

    But I agree, contact okstrat and ask him about doing those. If he can't do it I might be able to if you can find me a raw track to work from.

  • I use different ones. Sinmix rigs are very hot and i also followed djemas, he uses a rig from thumas. I tweaket one of his merged profiles called tsm m7.
    I think you can use a lot of different amps. The most autentic thing is to use the right phaser and flanger in comination and different delay and reverb stuff. In the last weeks i also use a hyper chorus because it has a typical chorus effect and it flanges a little. Good for the tones of the balance record.
