OS 3.2.1 Release bug - Incorrect RIG navigation buttons **highlighted** when at first or last rig in the list [picture]

  • OS 3.2.1 Release

    1) Navigate to the first or last rig in your Kemper in "Browse Rigs" mode, using browse knob or < RIG > buttons (including RIG UP and DOWN buttons for sure)

    2) While on first rig you are able to jump RIGHT > 4 rigs or go DOWN to next rig in the list.
    That means that RIGHT and DOWN buttons should be highlighted.

    3) While on last rig you are able to jump < LEFT 4 rigs or go UP to previous rig in the list.
    That means that LEFT and UP buttons should be highlighted.

    In both cases UP and DOWN buttons are dimmed when they should be highlighted

    [Blocked Image: http://s7.postimg.org/yskk0ybu3/rigs.jpg]

    And yes - I have created ticket for that already.

    Edited 2 times, last by skoczy ().

  • This might be surprising but is by intent and similar to for example your television remote control.

    Navigation Crosses work as follows: Upper button move upwards and lower button move downward in the list of items.
    If you open the Browse Screen (comparable to the list of TV stations), items get listed from top to bottom in upwards order.

    This behavior has been in place since day 1 and has nothing to do with 3.2.1.

  • This might be surprising but is by intent and similar to for example your television remote control.

    Navigation Crosses work as follows: Upper button move upwards and lower button move downward in the list of items.
    If you open the Browse Screen (comparable to the list of TV stations), items get listed from top to bottom in upwards order.

    This behavior has been in place since day 1 and has nothing to do with 3.2.1.

    Understood - UPPER button moves the selection bar 1 position up in the list to the previous rig - but why then UPPER button is not highlighted (because it is available) if LEFT is highlighted?

    The title says it: Incorrect RIG navigation buttons highlighted....

  • Maybe its time for a bug-fix release... There are several known issues open, also not so minor ones like not lighted LEDs... but also with limited/wrong functions.
    It's maybe even more important than the editor... ;)

  • As tied to software development for years, I am wondering if Kemper developers are using JIRA or any ticketing system with tasks, references, statuses, notifications, tags, history etc... Because if they are working on e-mail based system... I know this is internal and I don't expect to get this info. But let me say, that I am experienced with so called "projects" and development of initiatives when the communication is based on e-mail exchange and it's nightmare :)