Way to quickly delete multiple cabs at once?

  • Hello everyone,

    I currently have around 80 cabs stored in my Kemper but I want to clear them all out (delete) and then upload some new ones. Is there a way to quickly do this instead of deleting the cabs one at a time?


  • Welcome, evilevoix!

    I had to delete 350 cabs a month or two ago. Did it manually 'cause I didn't realise one had to recompress the backup file (before placing it back onto USB stick and restoring it to the Kemper) in the .tar format. I zipped it as I didn't have the software to be able to .tar it, renamed the suffix as .kpabackup, and freaked my Kemper out!

    The manual deletion took about 45 minutes I think IIRC, and gave me a helluva-sore neck and shoulder!

    Thankfully the esteemed Ingolf since put me onto GUI Tar, a great little app. Don't know if you're on Mac or not, but:

    GUI Tar (Mac) - Download

    If you ever need to do mass deletions, this is the way to go (remove from relevant folder within your KPA-generated backup file).

  • Excellent thanks, I'll try it!!

    Did you try this? I'm in this situation, i took an OWNHammer folder i had and copied a bunch of cabs on my Kemper and now it's so tedious to scroll through. On top of that you can't really read the display so i have no idea what i'm picking, just trying to choose by ear from all these cabs with the same name. I want to remove everything and start over.

  • It'll work, Chris.

    Make a backup file (Backup / Restore option on the KPA), move the USB stick to your computer and rename the suffix of the file as .zip so you can decompress it.

    Navigate to the Cabinet folder in the Shared folder, and delete its contents.

    Recompress the now-edited backup folder as a .tar file; this is why I recommended the app Inglof put me onto...

    GUI Tar (Mac) - Download

    ... and then rename the suffix as .kpabackup and place it back into the "Backups" folder on the stick.

  • Yikes. Sorry to hear that, Jack.

    I had a meltdown occur on my Kemper the first time I tried this too. It turned out that it was 'cause I zipped instead of tarred the edited kpabakup file, which is why I recommended the app Ingolf told me about.

    Did it manually 'cause I didn't realise one had to recompress the backup file (before placing it back onto USB stick and restoring it to the Kemper) in the .tar format. I zipped it as I didn't have the software to be able to .tar it, renamed the suffix as .kpabackup, and freaked my Kemper out!

    Anyway, I've shared this method twice (here and in another thread), having seen it several times on the forum before, and the other post has been deleted by a team member; it turns out that Kemper recommends we not dabble into editing of the .kpabakup file.

    So, as things stand, the only option besides laborious manual deletion is to risk, against Kemper's advice, editing the .kpabackup file generated by the Backup / Restore option on the KPA.

  • Love the attitood, bro'. Similar experience here.

    Gonna wait 'til Kemper offers a more-elegant way to handle large numbers of cabs (probably through RM or an editor, me thinks), before I venture into cab land again.

    I love Studio Profiles anyway, so no big deal.

  • Yeah, @Monkey_Man, it was very much an experiment. I got a bunch of cabs in but with the myriad mic/positioning options, it felt very overwhelming and ear fatigue kicked in quickly. I think I'll stick to studio profiles too. If/when Rig Manager can switch cabs, then I might be more inclined.