Computer editor

  • I can see it is not a new question here, but my situation cannot be unique.
    I have a project studio centered around my DAW.
    I have the profiler, and as much I appreciate the depth and functionality of its direct editing capabilities,
    my profiler is in a rack that is not at my fingertips.
    The ability to edit directly from where everything else is being done would take it's functionality to a whole new level for me.
    That is not at all a reflection how well it does what it does, but remote functionality would give the device a great deal more power.
    I know the Kemper was not intended as a studio only device, but that is where it shines.
    I would so love not having to go to the device for every edit.

  • Yes, many do, including Mr. Kemper himself, misteraxe.

    If you read only the threads on this topic 'though, you won't see much from them; they've been silent on this one issue, and only this one AFAIK.

    IIRC, the last input was a statement that they "... had no plans for an editor at this time". That was quite some time ago. We can speculate all we want (and we do!), but none of us knows for sure if or when we'll see one. My guess is we will, FWIMBW.