Ordered a powered Kemper, did I buy the right one?

  • I ordered a powered kemper rack and since the kemper/remote bundle is out of stock at Sweetwater I have to wait a week or so. Well, I'm watching videos and reading posts and I can't seem to get a clear idea of whether I've made the right choice or not.

    I ordered the powered version with the idea of running it through a Mesa 2x12 for jamming at home and playing with friends and using it for recording using my Yamaha HS8s. I've done quite a bit of research so I know I can find merged profiles (or make my own) that I can use to run the cab and yamahas at the same time.

    Here's my question/s....

    -Is this how you all out there are using the powered version? Cab "sims off" through your cab and "sims on" through studio monitors or FOH?

    -Or should I have purchased the unpowered and just bought a Gemini powered 2x12 and call it a day?

    I'm already confident that the Kemper is gonna be great through my monitors, but I want to have a really good sounding option for jamming loud and getting that amp in the room feel. I saw a video of Michael Britt playing a powered Kemper through a Mohave 4x12 and my jaw hit the floor. It sure sounds like a tube amp to me.......

    Thank you in advance for your help!

  • I have a powered kemper and mon't miss all the possibilities I have.
    Rehearsal or playing at home with a real cab is pure pleasure.
    On stage now I am using most of the time a DXR10 for my own monitoring and hear the same sound what the audience over FOH hear.
    Welcome and have much fun with it.

  • That confirms it for me thanks. I like the idea of having all the options available to me. Sweetwater shipped it today so I should have it early next week. I have a friend who owns a multiband jamspace and there are a bunch of different cabs/monitors so this should be fun.

  • Welcome to the forum
    I run my powered KPA through a few different cabs including a boogie, a Fender , in the studio a Marshall ,and at home rehearse with 2x10 Jensen loaded cab,all give sounds that are fab,and will strip the paint of a radiator at twenty paces.
    not many sleeps to go
    you will need them
    Steve H

  • Yes, you have bought the right one.

    First, try to leave the cabinet on, for some reason sometimes it sounds better than going DI into a 4x12 or 1x2 or whatever. If you don't get the right tone, try to change the cabinet by holding the cabinet button for a while and select a cabinet from another rig. You can separate the rigs and cabinets by storing the cabinet by itself.

    The powered version has the benefit of 'one package hold everything'. It is a Class D amp that doesn't color the sound by adding valves to it.

    You will have tons of fun with this device and the possibilities are enormous.

  • The first thing I'm going to do is fire this up through my Yahamas HS8s. I'll try the cab with cab sims on for sure though. I've noticed a lot of companies are now making FRFR cab solutions and it seems like the Kemper is able to really take full advantage of them. I might even order an Avatar 2x12 FRFR cab and demo it next to my mesa 2x12.

    For some reason I'm really intimidated by the Kemper. I think it's because I'm used to the idea of modeling. I tried the AxeFx 2XL+ and after 4 hours of non stop tweaking I had to just send it back. It must be the fact that the Kemper is a completely different approach. When I first read about it I thought to myself "ah ha!" that's what tube amp lovers have been waiting for!

    I'm surprised it's taken me this long to finally buy ?(