Kemper + Strymon Big Sky

  • Is there any ex-Big Sky users here. I am contemplating letting mine go after spending a week with the Kemper. I have set up similar rigs one with Kemper only and another with the Kemper+Big Sky combo and A/B'd them. There is definitely a difference but I would say the Kemper can get within 80-90% there on the same sound/mood that the Big Sky can create. The big difference is the Big Sky can do alot of 'weirder' reverbs, eg. choral (ooh-ahh's). I almost never use the odd reverbs, just some hall, spring, cloud and shimmer. So my question, has anyone owned a Big Sky and sold it and had regrets? If so, why?

  • Well Adrain, many here declared that they intended to sell their Big Skies as soon as they heard the first round of new delays. The second round sealed it for many more.

    As for regrets, I've not yet seen anyone declare here that the decision was hasty / regretted / a bad one.

    Some have chosen to keep the Big Sky. Reasons given were mainly attachment to the unit and immediate access to parameters through knob control.

  • Thanks, good to hear, I have no attachment to a pedal and rather consider it wasted cash if I can get 90% of the sound from the Kemper alone. And having only a Kemper and footcontroller makes a simpler rig and that I indeed add alot of value to.I am also excited about the new delays, seems very promising!