Is there a way to save multiple output settings

  • I was wondering if it was possible to save multiple output settings. When I save one output setting I name it and then store it. Is it possible to do a different output settings, name that setting, store it and then switch between the two?

  • I was wondering if it was possible to save multiple output settings. When I save one output setting I name it and then store it. Is it possible to do a different output settings, name that setting, store it and then switch between the two?

    Yes, this feature is called Output Presets. Not only EQ settings, but also Output Sources, links to Master Volume, and the position of "Monitor Cab. Off" are included. Volume levels are not included in order to avoid unintended volume jumps.

    You seem to have stored one Output Preset already under a given name. Repeat that process as often as you like. While the Output Section is in focus turn the BROWSE knob to select from the list of Output Presets available. Besides your own Presets you might find some examples which are part of the Factory Content.

  • Yes, this feature is called Output Presets. Not only EQ settings, but also Output Sources, links to Master Volume, and the position of "Monitor Cab. Off" are included. Volume levels are not included in order to avoid unintended volume jumps.
    You seem to have stored one Output Preset already under a given name. Repeat that process as often as you like. While the Output Section is in focus turn the BROWSE knob to select from the list of Output Presets available. Besides your own Presets you might find some examples which are part of the Factory Content.

    .... and be careful, the autoload function doesn't always work properly when changing Output-Presets.

  • And... if you don't rename the Output Preset when you save it, you will soon find you have multiple Output Presets with the same name and you have no way to distinguish between which one is which. Nor, when one or another is loaded.

    Its not perfect.

  • I had a show last night and found out right before we were to play about the bug about outputs not automatically loading. This really needs to be addressed. All we had was line check and I did not have a lot of time to figure out there was a bug which was very stressful for a few minutes!!!

  • Don't Bother, there are plenty of Threads on this Subject as
    - Output-EQ
    - Output Volumens storable
    - Output preset-Synonyms
    - Output-Volumens disappear when turning The Master Volume knob

    There seems to be other preferences currently in the kemper Team.
    Maybe in future releases they correct these issues

  • Have there been any news on this subject? The idea of Output presets is marvelous, but the wish to recall different output settings for different performances (eg separate outputs on the kemper for electric and acoustic guitar) would be so endlessly practical! Thank you