Bug with Midi setting the proper Morph value in The Kemper

  • CC 11 is the Morph pedal in the Kemper

    I have an expression pedal set up to control Morphing in several profiles
    I have the expression pedal set for CC11 (morph pedal) and it sends Midi value 0 on heal down and midi value 127 on toe down, and every value in between when moving
    The Morph is changing several things at once like treble and gain when you rock the expression pedal

    When I use the expression pedal, the morphing works great in the Kemper
    I can watch a Midi message screen and the expression pedal is sending from 0 to 127 when you move it heal down to toe down

    The problem is that when I change to a profile via midi, the morph is set to it's lowest value in the Kemper
    That means that the morph gain setting is at it's lowest value
    I want the gain to be at the max value of midi 127 when I select a profile via midi
    So I am sending CC 11 a value of 127 when a profile is selected via midi

    When I call up Program change 7 (see my screen shot), I also send CC 11 a value of 127 which should make the Morph go to full on
    I am watching the midi messages as they are being transmitted and CC 11 is being sent a value of 127
    But the morph value is not changing when you watch it on the Kemper screen
    It shows a morph value of 127, but the black bar is still set to zero
    Page 5/18 in the system menu screen shows exactly what is happening as you send these midi commands (see my screen shot)

    Look at my screen shot of the Kemper midi screen

    Top half of screen shot
    Lower left shows the morph pedal is set to 127, but it isn't
    Look at the black morph bar, it is empty and set to zero
    This is when I send CC 11 a value of 127 at the same time I select a profile via midi

    Lower half of screen shot
    Lower left shows the morph pedal is set to 127, and the black bar is also set to 127
    Look at the black morph bar, it is full and set to 127
    This is the exp pedal going toe down sending CC11 a value of 127
    Note that CC #7, volume pedal is set just like the morph and it responds correctly on the Kemper screen

    Note that all the other midi functions work properly
    Volume, Wah and Pitch all respond correctly when I send midi values when selecting a profile via midi

    The morph pedal is the only one that does not respond correctly

    This has been like this since Morphing came out
    I have updated the OS 3 times since then and it does this in every OS so far

    I also attached a screen shot of the midi values being sent when I select a profile via midi
    In that screen shot, I set CC 11 to toggle between a value of 50 and 127 so I could watch what happens in the Kemper
    Also note that volume, CC7 is also set to toggle between 50 and 127 as a test, and the Kemper responded correctly

  • Moving the pedal down to increase gain or increase other setting in the morph is counter intuitive
    I have set up profiles that way but did not like it

    I was hoping to be able to send midi value of 127 to trigger the profile into maximum morph state as I call up the profile via midi

    I can force the morph to go full on if I send a midi CC11 a value of 127 after I have called up the morph profile

    The problem is, I can't do it at the same time the profile is called up

    Edited 2 times, last by EL34 ().

  • Store the Rig as intended for your initial start sound (base sound).

    Set the morph values for all your parameters as intended and store. These build the morph sound all together. You are completely free to increase values or decrease values with the morph sound and this could vary by parameter. If you for example want to decrease gain while travelling from base sound to morph sound, set it up this way. At the same time Delay Mix could increase.

    And then send the corresponding MIDI cc #11 values. Value 0 is base sound, value 127 is morph sound and the others are in between.

    This is how Moprhing works and is described in the manual since day one.