Six questions, one new owner. Will you take the challenge?

  • Greetings, I've had my Profiler Rack for a little while, but I've only now had the time to begin to explore it.

    I have some questions which I hope the community can answer. My apologies if they're in the deep-dive manual.

    • I need a hard tremolo sound for songs like "Boulevard of Broken Dreams", or "Polyamorous", or "Guerilla Radio". I've tried placing a tremolo in a stomp slot, and I've tried it in an effect slot. In the stomp slot it didn't give the hard sound I needed. It sounded as if the effect wet/dry mix was set to 50-60% (but it clearly wasn't). When I dropped it into an effects slot, it worked very well.

      I completely understand the tonal differences, signal flow, etc, around a decision to put a distortion pedal before the amp, as opposed to after. But why was the tremolo affected so much?

    • After using a rig in a peformance slot, I've become fond of my onstage tweaks and I want to overwrite the original rig in the browse pool. How do I do this?
    • I've tweaked a rig so the effects and stomps are perfect. I want to see what it sounds like with a different amp/eq/cab combination. What's the most efficient way to do this? ....and then save it?
    • How do I move quickly from one effect type to another? I'm working on stomp "B", which is currently loaded with a chorus preset, and I want to load it with a pitch change preset. If I turn the browse knob, it's a loooong way through the list to the pitch presets. I fear for the lifecycle of the knob. If I use the rig buttons, I can move a little faster. But seriously, how do I just jump all the way to the pitch presets in this situation?
    • I just don't understand this one at all. I've just finished setting up a wah in the "A" stomp, and I'm starting work on the "B" stomp. I want to change "B" from the currently-loaded boost preset to a distortion. When I twist the browse knob, it jumps all the way to the wah preset, instead of starting with the current boost preset and incrementing from there. Why?
    • Gripe: I really really wish the monitor output was balanced. I often have my Rack 30' distant from my FRFR monitor, and it seems like that unbalanced cable could pick up a lot of noise under the wrong circumstances.

    Thank you for any answers you can give. MUCH appreciated.

  • Welcome,

    Like with a real amp, modulation effects behave differently if you place them pre- or post-stack (X and MOD). They will be more "in your face" when used post-stack (like if you'd use them in an amp's effect loop). I know what you mean, some modulation sound weak in certain circumstances when placed pre-stack, hence the placement of the "MOD" button.

    To save your tweaks, just save your new rig using "store", you can either rename (it creates another) or replace it, then if you are hooked up to rig manager, you can save your new tweaked rig from the profiler to your local library.

    To use the same effects with a different amp, just go in the stack section and browse a new rig. You can also "LOCK" your effect/stomp section and change rig. Also, you can "COPY" one or more, or your entire stomp or effect section and then "PASTE" it on another rig. When you are done, you can save the new rig.

    As far as I know, there is no other way of doing this (must scroll all the way), that's why some folks have been asking for an editor for a while. However, like I said above, you can easily copy/paste individual effects or stomp (or entire sections) if you have a similar configuration from one rig to another.

    Monitor out is not balanced. I mostly use the powered output of the powerhead to go to a cab and I never had noise issues from running a long cable and if there ever is, it won't be going to FOH anyway.

  • Ad1. Hard trem is a wish already mentioned in the feature request. At the moment it is not realized. The rest is answered by Jed

    Ad2 If you want to save your tweak in the performance mode choose "Export Rig To Pool" after pressing edit (Softbutton 4). It will be transfered to the Browser pool .
    Be aware that it will not overwrite an existing Rig. It will be stored additional with the same name but with a different time stamp.

    Ad3 you can use snapshots - see manual. It's worth to read ^^

    Ad4 You are not satisfied with a given feature - no chance for you to change this behavier. I often use presets from other profiles I know I like and make copy and paste . That's the fastest way for me.

    Ad5 It was wished some times in the feature requests to start from the momentary effect and allow to show what is valid at the moment.

    Ad6 You can use a DI Box if you really can not live with this given feature. Hard ware changes are not seen at the horicont. Thats good for long time user :)

    Summery: The KPA delevoped in the last years to more complexitiy - so some of the operation concept seemed not be so practically as it maybe was, when the Kemper arised on the market.
    Keep in mind, that all modifying was free of charge for the user - so be patiently and gently and enjoy the still unsurpassed sound quality. ;)
    Almost everybody here is hoping for an editor for PC/Mac to solve lot of this issues.