Using kemper AND tube amp live

  • Yes I totally agree, sercho beat me to it!

    >"Obviously this would only be for gigs with the size to actually have a discernible stereo field in the mix."

    IMO it's the smaller gigs that have a discernable stereo field, because the room is smaller, and therefore the audience can hear the sound bouncing around the room as well as directly from both L and R speakers.
    At the bigger gigs, they often don't even run stereo, because the crowd only really hears the speakers they are closest to.

    Well when the venue is very small (enough to not-mikin' the cabs) or narrow or has a special architecture in which a stereo set-up can work (I cannot think of one ATM), I guess I could live with that hehe

  • IMHO, having the FOH in stereo is an absolute mistake. About half the audience will miss about half of the mix, or at least some instruments! It's as simple as that... Who would want half the audience to miss one of the guitars and the other half miss the other one, for example??

    I never understand when musicians (and even worst: sound engineers) come with this ideas...

    I heard that a couple of times here already. Not sure if I understand well what you mean or if we're talking about the same thing but guitars going stereo to FOH doesn't mean each guitar is panned 100% on either side or that "only one side will get your delay". Engineers on big festivals/arenas/stadiums always ask me to go stereo to FOH if I can.

  • Honestly man, it sounds like more trouble than it is worth. Just use two profiles and if you want to compensate for the missing 2nd guitar on the chorus, turn your KPA up on the one profile just a little bit, or try one of the dual amp profiles. The sound will be cleaner that way. Just my opinion.

  • I heard that a couple of times here already. Not sure if I understand well what you mean or if we're talking about the same thing but guitars going stereo to FOH doesn't mean each guitar is panned 100% on either side or that "only one side will get your delay". Engineers on big festivals/arenas/stadiums always ask me to go stereo to FOH if I can.

    Well sometimes it actually means that. Thank god not always. Anyway I keep thinking going mono is better for live situations, specially in big venues as festivals/arenas/stadiums... Even if I don't miss one of the guitars completely, if I'm in one side of the stage, why should I have a worse experience than people placed around the technical desk? I mean, I'm always going to have a worse/unbalanced mix depending on where I stand during the gig... I think this is quite unargueable... Because if going stereo doesn't affect the audience in that way, then why going stereo??? I'm not sure if you know what I mean.

    Maybe they ask you for a stereo signal for recording purposes?